Good Saturday morning here from our corner of Iowa where September has brought with it some beautiful weather. I love listening to the trees rustle with drying leaves, and I have heard geese flying overhead more than once from my place on the sofa. We had a small field just down the block which has provided for them yearly. Sadly, change has come, new houses are being built and the farmer no longer comes to remind us of Joel's childhood. It is called progress?
Speaking of progress, we have been marching through the first week of chemo. Okay, not marching, more like managing and navigating through what is indescribable and unpredictable. Last Friday I was given IV steroids and anti-nausea meds first and then a slow drip chemo drug to see what would present itself. They did stop and flush the line once, but after things settled a bit and my blood pressure went down some we started again. The second chemo caused heart palpitations which lasted off and on for three days. BUT we got through, and were sent home, I was given a computerized patch just like on TV commercials of Nulasta which injected a drug in me Saturday afternoon to go into bone marrow and help make white blood cells. ( I think) Sunday afternoon and for 3-4 days the bone pain was intense, I finally called the clinic and was told to take Claritin! For some reason it helps. I took it, It is helping especially for night sleep. I just need to keep remembering that help is available to minimize the symptoms. I am not so good at asking for help in the medical world. Some of mine have been eye migraine and visual light shows at night when trying to sleep (weird) nerve and bone pain, exhaustion, nightmares, visual and texture issues with food, some thinning of hair, brain fog. dizziness and balance issues, etc. etc etc.
Saturday I woke up to major rash on chest around port and neck incision. It got worse and worse covering my left side of chest and neck with red welt like reactions. Then Oral thrush appeared and rash on rt side so a visit to the doctor has me loaded up on steroid creams and anti fungal stuff. I am calling my dermatologist Monday as no one knows for sure what this is. It is a bit better now. Phew.
Thursday's visit brought with it news that my white count is very low. So I am to check temp. several times a day and head to ER if a fever arises (over 105.5) Friday I woke up strong enough to shower and visit with our dear friends who are full time RV'ers. After too short a visit Joel went with them out to eat. Laughing with old friends was just what I needed....we both needed. It is good medicine.
What we were told to look for such as nausea and vomiting has not happened.. Food textures keep me from eating much, but I get down what I can,, unfortunately having to stop eating my favorite food right now ~ watermelon, so as to not feed the yeast. The yeast was a surprise...... so was the reactions on skin. But remember, my body often does things it's own way, I could go on, but seriously, enough said.
Chemo is not for the faint of heart and my heart goes out to all of you in the midst of it. My sister Jo told me to remember what her oncologist told her over two decades ago. The way the chemo goes after your white cells is also the way it is going after cancer cells! Again thank you for your prayers. A true blessing.
Fall is my favorite time of year, and I found myself saying, next year it will be year. But what about this year? I am trying to grab hold of the small moments of fall I can enjoy now in the midst of this journey. The sound of geese, rustling leaves, kids getting off the school bus, squirrels running across the roof. I found a place on Facebook that shares nature in the northern Midwest, especially WI and I have enjoyed looking at fall flowers and even some trees turning color in the photos they post.
I love fall. That has not changed. I plan to embrace it, even if it is mostly from my sofa. Welcome September! Bring your beauty to our world! We are ready for it. I have only one request.....could you last a little longer?
Love your sat. scribbled dear sister Renee’ 💕✝️🙏🎶
Love you
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