Saturday, June 15, 2024

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you from summer in Iowa where the grass is green, the flowers are blooming, and the corn is starting to grow.   Joel has been enjoying it all as he gets out riding his recumbent most days.  A lot of other bikers and walkers have been doing the same thing.  He enjoys looking around at all God has created.

Part of that beauty is all the flowers. We added a purple and red petunia to our other plants this week.  We were searching for a hanging red geranium but were unwilling to pay $40 for one. Thus, the purple and red petunia basket.  The neighbor gave us a few hostas he was getting rid of....calling them "deer food" which is what they are. The rabbits enjoy them too.   Joel has put wire fencing around them....when he went out to walk into the back yard Thursday afternoon, our resident bunny flew out from under the deck, ran right into the fencing, spun around and took off across the yard to hide in the bushes.  Poor guy!  Joel could not help but laugh at his antics, but the little hosta nibbling pest must have been terrified...and as he hurried away he probaby shook his head asking, 'What the heck was that?"

Speaking of what the heck?  I felt like that when my back slipped out after so many years.  So annoying.  It's much better, it's stronger, the chiro is seeing good improvements.  I like him because he leaves my treatments up to me..when I want them or need them.  He suggests, educates, treats with a gentle activator, and then puts it all in my hands to decide.  Unfortunately he is moving to Hawaii where his father and family is from. Happy for him....not for us

Speaking of happy for them....not for us.......Over the years our whole family has made decisions that were great for them or us  but sent them or us farther from each other.  One example was when our oldest interviewed and was called to serve the youth in a big church in a Chicago suburb.  For so many reasons it was a great opportunity for her.  We were so happy for her and her hubby....but not so happy for us.  They moved 9 hrs away.  We could add other stories that are much the same......but bottom line is, it is not just about us but what is God asking you to do?  What is HIS plans for those you love?  For you?  

Speaking of family,  it is Father's Day tomorrow.  A time to celebrate and honor the fathers in our lives.  Both Joel and I had fathers who died young...ages 49 and 53.  My mom never remarried, but Joel's mom did.  A gentle kind farmer who was a bachelor until he was 50! Married and immediately had three grown step-sons. Such a good man. Our daughters have married good men and we can definitely add our two sons to the list of good men.  Happy Father's Day to the dads in Heaven, and those here on earth including my own husband.  Happy Father's Day Joel.  You are a good good man and loving dad and grandpa!

This week besides biking, Joel did outdoor work again, trimming bushes, laying rock, mowing, planting and fencing hostas.  Joel celebrates 44 years in ministry today, too.  

I have been walking 20 minutes...only 5 at a time following dr.s suggestion.  I've cleaned a little, cooked and baked some, and spent time sorting and reading articles I've written...really takes me back in time.  Our summer TV schedule is limited...some America's Got Talent, game shows, and Prime Video favorites like Northern Exposure, Beyone Paradise, or Brokenwood Murders.

Speaking of going back in time, Joel sent his latest book to three women of great influence in our lives.  One was to the wife of Joel's late internship pastor , friend, and mentor.  He/ they shaped our lives. Another book went to long time friend and encourager from Joel's childhood on. She is a loving Christian woman who nurtured Joel and his brothers and us as a couple. The third one went to a dear friend that we met way back in our days in Utah. Her and her husband were so good to us so kind and stayed friends for decades as we both moved around. They too were quiet caring mentors on our journey.  Looking back, there are so many people who have touched our lives in a positive way and these are three that we are so grateful for. 

On that note it is time to close Saturday Scribbles. We are grateful for Joel's Internship pastor, Merv, and for these women mentioned and all that they've accomplished in their lives and all their good kind caring love and encouragement over the years. We're grateful for the fathers in our lives those that were gone at a young age and for the stepfather who also nurtured Joel and took care of his mom. Grateful for the good Fathers that our grandchildren have. Grateful that my back is better that Joel is getting in a lot of biking and that summer is here to enjoy. Grateful for our Grands who celebrated birthdays this week. Grateful for petunias and black-eyed Susan Ivy's and pansies that bring color and beauty to our yard. Grateful for all the text , photos, phone calls and emails that come our way. Grateful for all this and so much more ......enjoy your weekend. 

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