Saturday, June 8, 2024

Saturday's Scribbles


Good Saturday to you from our corner of the world where we have been seeing sunshine, wind, rain, storms....everything but tornadoes.  The wind was high enough on one day that a few branches came down and plenty of twigs and spring leaves.  The highest gust was 52mph here in  town.  Joel spent hours doing yard work yesterday to clean up the mess and get the grass mowed.  The grass is so green and trees are in full bloom, but unfortunately the mosquitoes are out in full force too, putting a damper on much porch sitting.  

Speaking of porches, Joel takes his morning coffee out on ours, where he can enjoy nature and take in our hanging pansies and black-eyed Susan ivy.  He brought home the ivy this past week and I love it.  Besides yard work he has gotten in some biking and managed to write  a sermon for tomorrow.  It's his Sunday to preach at two churches in the area.  Once a month he goes as they are without a pastor right now.  I watched him cimb a tall ladder ths week on our half up landing and change the light bulbs and dust our ceiling fan.  Our ceiling above the living room and open stair case is 20+ feet up.  Seriously hate when Joel gets on that ladder!

My week has been spent managing a back injury.  Two trips to the chiropractor have helped plus a lot of rest and also walking 5 minutes 4 times a day to keep things moving.  I use my trusty cane which is 49 years old!  We purchased it in the Philippines.  I also cinch  a thick bathrobe belt around my waist and it helps keep me upright to walk.  Old tricks of the past that have worked.  Tricks that I was hoping not to have to use again....  It is better, but not at all where it should be yet and I'm ready for this to do done!  It is amazing how a bad back interferes with ....well....almost everything.  Including my attitude!

Speaking of interference,  today we were to be driving north to the Twin Cities for a graduation party but that's not happening.  It will be a time of laughter and makes us both sad to miss it.  We see so little of family or extended family.  

Last Saturday we watched a movie on Netflix called Mother of the Bride starring Brooke Shields.  It was super funny and we enjoyed it very much....both of us needing  a good laugh or two!  It is kinda  silly-funny!

We have many family birthdays this month....Our son Kevin would have been 45 last weekend.  Yesterday our grandson Jonas celebrated his 16th, next is our granddaughter Lydia and grandson ELi's birthdays!   Happy Birthday blessings to them all.  The second half of the month is our daughter Sarah's and Joel's.  And then our anniversary.............  Every day is a gift, especially as we certainly every birthday is to be celebrated.

My mind is drawing a blank today, so with little to share it is time to be grateful.  Grateful for some back improvements, for  a chiropractor who works with this broken body.  Grateful for Joel's endless support and help.  Grateful he is done with ladder climbing for awhile.  Grateful for all those we love who are celebrating birthdays.  Grateful for movies that make us laugh.  Grateful for old ivory inlayed canes to help in a challenge.  Grateful for the needed rain, beautiful flowers and green grass.  Grateful for all the phone calls, texts, emails and just so much more.

Enjoy your weekend!

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