Saturday, June 29, 2024

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday morning to you on this beautiful day in Northern Iowa. A high of only 73 will keep the temperatures comfortable but the winds are still blowing. Sunshine helps! Joel brought home  a red geranium this week as a surprise for me. Garden centers are winding down right now and there is something true about good things coming to those who wait, as we got a beautiful red geranium with tiny white flowers in the basket for only $10. We have been looking for a red geranium for a month but were not willing to pay the high costs. 

Speaking of red,  we have been seeing some red Cardinals in our yard this week. I had just reread a story I wrote about asking God  how he was going to show up in my life one day.....everyday. On that particular day that I wrote about, Cardinals came and landed on our shepherd's hook. Two different Cardinals,  a male and a female. They were such a delight to see I stood still as long as I could to watch them and give thanks.  So this week there was a day I asked God the same question... how are you going to show up today and sure enough he showed up with another female cardinal out front in the garden. And then a beautiful surprise for me as a mom also showed up. Of course we can just expect to see God everyday in the things around us whether they're in a hug from our loved one whether there's a phone call from a friend, whether there's a cardinal sitting on the shepherd's hook or like this morning a wren singing a beautiful song that sounded so loud it felt like it was inside the house. God is always showing up and nature is always showing off what he has created. 

Speaking of nature, Joel has been getting in some bike rides and doing the usual outdoor work. This week that included a very stubborn screen for our back door that just would not slide correctly. He spent more than a few hours rescreening and then getting it back in and working correctly!  

I had my last visit with our chiropractor. Not because I've graduated by any means but because he is moving to Hawaii in July. He has recommended another chiropractor here in town and I will have a meeting with him to see if we are good fit. Meanwhile the back is better but I am still cautious with it because it complains.....I'm walking 20 to 25 minutes a day but still only 5 or 10 minutes at a time. Yesterday we headed to Fleet Farm then Walmart and Target looking for cushioned folding lawn chair for outdoor church. None to be found so we purchased a chair cushion to put on top of the lawn chair we have. That's what happens when your back gets crabby, you just make do and figure it out.

We have been watching a British documentary with Martin Clunes who is a British actor/director.   He has been visiting different islands in the Pacific and it drew our interest because one of the places he was visiting was in the Philippines. It was great fun to watch and see the tropical plants and flowers, the jeepneys which are Old World War II Jeeps that they use for transportation still. But most importantly it was great fun to just absorb the Filipino people and the traditions that still carry on. It has been 50 yrs since we moved there and those 2 years in the Philippine still impact us.  We also watched one episode  where they went to Guam.  We have been there not to live or even visit but when we were being transferred from one plane to another we landed in Guam and spent a few hours. There are some beautiful islands out in the Pacific Ocean for sure! Besides that we've been watching America's Got Talent, a couple game shows, and the Brokenwood Murders series that takes place in New Zealand. 

We are not able to do as much Porch Sitting as we would like this time of year because of the nasty "winged warriors" as Joel calls the mosquitoes here! 

On Joel's birthday my sister Kay and her husband Danny came over for rhubarb pie which was nice. We had made a pie on Sunday as that's his favorite summer dessert. We visited yesterday afternoon with some friends here in town who are being greatly challenged by health problems. It was nice to see them again.  Grant them your healing touch, Jesus.

Tomorrow is our 56th wedding anniversary.  Oh, my!  56 years.  So very very grateful for them.  Starting out as scared, clueness kids of 20 and 22 we stepped into our I Do's and have been counting our blessings as a couple ever since.  So grateful......

As I bring this Scribbles to a close I am giving thanks for our many years together as husband and wife, as friends, as lovers, as parents, as soulmates.  Grateful for all God's reminders coming our way in nature...especially cardinals. grateful for the rain, grateful for the documentary on Pacific Islands.  Grateful for bike rides and walks.  Gratful for rhubarb pie for Joel.  Grateful for my new red geranium.  Grateful my back is better.  Grateful for visits with family and friends this week, for phone calls, texts, laughter, tears, and answered prayers.  

Enjoy your weekend!

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