Saturday, July 6, 2024

Saturdlay's Scribbles


Good Saturday to you on this first weekend of July!  It is beautiful here!   Temperatures are near 80, with gentle breezes and sunshine.  Nice!  As we sit with the doors open we can hear the resident wren singing in the backyard.  Earlier a robin sang his own song.  The fencing around the hostas and daylilies have us enjoying the blooms they are both putting forth.  The deer and rabbits can't reach them. On the other side of that we have had plenty of rain once again getting 1.38 inch in around 20 mminutes on Thursday afternoon.  So far the river is staying in it's banks here.  Everything is very green...and damp.....

Last Sunday on our anniversary we headed to outdoor church.  We came home and made homemade pizza with a cauliflower boughten crust.  We each take a small crust and spread it with refried black beans.  (It may sound weird but tastes good!)  We add ground turkey, cheese, and black olives.  Joel also uses a red sauce on his.  A quick oven bake and there it is!  We also made homemade bisquits for strawberry shortcake.  A few texts and a phone call rounded out the day.  56 years of marriage!  We are so grateful!

Monday I headed to the dentist to check out a possible problem.  An x-ray and exam told me that it is probably a neurological nerve issue.....probably from the trigeminal nerve again.  Our dentist is a great guy whom we have known for over 2 decades.  When he walked in the room he said...."I have two words for today....JESUS NUT!"  I knew what he meant right away but it took Joel a minute or two? Ha... The Dr went on to say he was reading Joel's latest book and he had read the story about the "Jesus Nut" and it's importance when flying a Huey helicopter.   It hold the blades on and everything in place.  He said he called a family member and asked them..does "Jesus Nut" mean anything to you?"  Since this person flew Hueys, he replied,  "It means everything!"  The military actually call this "nut" that holds the copter together the "Jesus Nut".  We can only add......Jesus holds us all together too, doesn't he.  We had quite a conversation.   I just love how Joel's book is being received by people.  So grateful God is using it.  Joel actually has a Jesus Nut that sits on his desk in his office.  

Wednesday I saw the new chiropractor.  He worked in a new area which has me a little sore again.  We need to work out a couple of kinks to be in sync on what my body can tolerate. We chuckled when Joel mentioned he had heard the Dr. had been in the Military....the Marines.   Joel said he was in the Air Force 8 yrs. during the Viet Nam era.......and the Dr., ex-Marine replied, well, your wife did say you were old!  Ha  Wednesday night we were able to watch the fireworks again from our usual spot in front of our living room window.  The view is not perfect but it is still a good place to enjoy the show.  On the 4th we had a good meal, Joel went for a bike ride, and we enjoyed the TV celebration at the Capital for awhile.  It was a quieter 4th,  We tried to watch a movie but after 15 minutes we looked at each other and said...."NOPE".  Not for us.  

Our boundaries for movies are pretty narrow and we like it that way.  This week has been mostly game shows, AGT, Northern Exposure, 4th festivities, Sister Boniface, etc.  We watch at night mostly....besides Jeopardy at 3:30.  I know few answers but hope to keep expanding my mind.  Thus the daily Wordles, Connections, Spelling Bee, The Mini Crossword, and the google Waffle game.  Do you find them challenging and fun?  Well, mostly fun.  Connections at NYT can get me sooooooooo frustrated!  Moving on.......

Getting back to the 4th.....two of our children became American Citizens on the 4th in the 80's.  They were older due to us moving around so much.....It was nice though as they were old enough to really exerience it.  The govenor of MN was there which impressed our son...he had to have a picture with him.  I can still see what they wore that day as they received their citizenship all dressed up in red, white, and blue~  

So today I am giving thanks for our memories of a special citizenship day.  Grateful for our country's freedom and all those who fought and those who died to guarantee it.  Grateful for all the freedoms we have and the reminder to not take them for granted.  Grateful for our dentist and our conversation with him.  Grateful for "Jesus Nuts" and Joel's latest book.  Grateful for biking and walking, a new chiropractor, church outdoors, fireworks from our living room.  Grateful for 56 years together.  Grateful for all the phone calls, texts, and in person conversations.  Grateful for all this and so much more................'

Enjoy your weekend!

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