Sunday, July 21, 2024

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you on this beautiful Sunday morning here in Northern Iowa. We just attended outdoor worship and it was a lovely day to do so. Our temperature will hit 80 today with gentle winds and some sunshine until the rain comes back later this afternoon. Everything is in full bloom this time of year and it's wonderful. 

 We just had our first meal of corn on the cob so the corn is "in bloom" too! The corn is ripe! Ha.  We picked up 10 lb of blueberries from the Mennonites on Friday so we are enjoying those too. Blueberry muffins taste great!  Nothing like seasonal produce.

 We had a special time this week with our oldest daughter and son-in-law who came to visit Thursday afternoon and left Saturday morning. Usually our visits include a house full of people so this was a nice change for us to have some one-on-one time. Our daughter Bethany loves art and we went to a local Museum on Friday so she could see what was gracing the walls there. We also drove past the Frank Lloyd Wright House and hotel here in town. And saw a few of the many sculptures that our little Mason City has throughout the downtown. You can actually take a walking tour of the sculptures quite easily and get your exercise at the same time!

Beth's interest in the art museum gave us a little kick in the pants to see what other things are here in town that we ourselves could go to visit. In the museum I enjoyed the flowers the most and all the different colors and textures and shapes and sizes. I'm not much into impressionism or Modern Art, or a few others to be honest but our Beth has a minor in Art History and art just speaks to her in a language I don't quite understand, so she is a good person to go to an art museum with! 

 Beth and Kevin brought along theie 120 pound dog Koda who is a gentle giant.  I think his head is almost as big as our little Levi's whole body was! He settled down well and found a comfey spot on the sofa next to Grandma at times.

 The rest of the week Joel and I mostly got ready for company,  walked and rode bike and just went through our usual routines. It's nice that the only medical appointment was one trip to the chiropractor.  

So this week at the top of our list for gratefulness is our daughter and son-in-law coming for a visit. For Joel being able to experience Thai food for the first time. Grateful for laughter at the stories told. For hugs in person. For a granddog and all that he brought to the visit. Grateful for nice weather, good sweet corn and blueberries.  Grateful for gentle breezes, worship outside and communion. Grateful for phone calls from family, textsand emails. Grateful for all this and so much more.

Enjoy your weekend !

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