I love love love books! I am so very thankful for the gift of books and the privilege to read. Books provide inspiration, a fun escape, and teachable moments for me. I read some books to help me grow and others to help me forget.
Books let us into their souls, and lay open to us the secrets of our own."
William Hazlett
Living most of my life from my "sofa sanctuary" I have welcomed books as friends and a way to connect with the world outside my windows. Today I give thanks for all kinds of "friends"!
"You know you read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend." Paul Sweeney
I am not one who keeps my books in pristine condition...I fold down pages, underline things I want to remember and write notes in the margins! I guess I do the same thing with my Bibles too. My Bibles are the most important books I own and being able to have several translations is really a gift, isn't it. Today I give thanks for having as many Bibles to read as often and as freely as I like.
"May the strength of God pilot us, may the wisdom of God instruct us, may the hand of God protect us, may the WORD OF GOD direct us."
St. Patrick
Books are part of my houses decor~ and you will find them in every room in our home...I remember once my brother telling someone that you can always tell when you are in a "D. home"....they even have books in their bathrooms! Giving thanks today for having so many books that I can spread them around the house!
"Books are not made as furniture, but there is nothing else that so beautifully furnishes a home." Henry Ward Beecher
This Thankful Thursday I am giving thanks and praise for books~ !!!!
I share your love for books. Well written post, and I esp liked the quotes.
Thanks for visiting Titus 2 In Action.
Nice post. I love to hear what people are thankful for. We have a "book house" here as well and even have a difficult time parting with the younger year books that we have outgrown. By far, my Bibles are treasures to me as well and some are marked in varying colors, written in and used as the keepers of special treasures! I even found precious handwritten verses and poetry in old letters from my Great Grandmother in one again the other day. Truly what a priviledge it is to own a variety of them. Your post made me realize it is easy to take that gift for granted.
Thanks Warren!
Thanks Jan Lyn for sharing about your books...your book house. And what a treasure to find hand written notes from a great grandmother. Wow.
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