Friday, March 4, 2011

Circling These Mountains.

"You have circled these mountains long enough,
Turn to the north!"

Deuteronomy 2:3

Do you ever feel like you are going in circles?  Going over the same ground time and time again and not really getting anywhere?  Maybe you have gone to God with the same prayers for a long time and you still keep hearing the words....wait....or be patient.....or sometimes just silence.  How long Lord?  How long?

What I noticed about this verse is that eventually the Israelites are given instructions to take action!  Turn to the north.  That time does come....but it will be good for us only if it is done in God's timing.  His timing is perfect.  His plan is best.

My husband Joel and I have been talking about retirement for quite awhile now.  Lately we have felt an urgency about purging and packing, even though we don't know where we are not completely sure of where we are going, or when!?!   We are definitely circling some mountains.  I find it comforting to know that when the time is right God will give us direction.  Relying on God gives us such a solid foundation for our lives, doesn't it.

Sometimes the answers to our prayers for guidance come quickly in one swift response from God, and sometimes they take time and nurturing.  Either way, with God leading the way, we cannot go wrong.  He timing and will for our lives is always best.

Join Charlotte and Ginger over at Spiritual Sundays to read more inspirational posts or link up you own.


Andrea said...

Hope you have an awesome weekend.
Blessings and prayers,

Elaine said...

Praying for you and Joel and your days ahead. The not knowing is so hard and yet it draws us to our knees before God.

Pray you get a directive soon. Pray also you will find peace in the wait.



Fliterary said...

Praying for you sweet friend as you circle those mountains. Praying for God's guidance, direction, and perfect timing.

Hugs and blessings,

Judy said...

Hi Renee,

Nice to meet you. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. Your post is very timely for me, as I am waiting on the Lord for something big. I am asking how long Lord? How long? I don't know how much longer I can hang on. I write about my experience on my devotional writing blog at Hope to speak with you again soon.


Anonymous said...

I love this scripture. I have circled a few mountains in my day and made turns not choreographed by God. Waiting can be so hard but he faithful to make good.

Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage said...

The decision we need to make as we get older can only be made if God is in control. I will keep the both of you in my prayers for the right choice.
God Bless,

Debbie said...

Your post is very similiar to mine as we too are in a season of "waiting" on the Lord. Not easy that's for sure...but worth it when you feel you've heard from Him for direction. Have a wonderful week-end! BLESSINGS, Debbie

Nikki (Sarah) said...

your last two sentences says it all...He'll never let us down...

MTJ said...

Hi Renee,

Thank you for sharing these words of encouragement. Like you and Joel, I seem to be going through a transition, and I find myself more dependent on God (than I probably thought would ever be necessary).

I have never been a patient man, and perhaps, more than anything, I'm learning to let patience have its perfect work in me.

There is an aspect of faith and trust that puts us in the realm of not knowing what's next, but relying on God is the foundation of hope that assures me, I'm not alone.

Blessings and peace.


Anonymous said...

Awesome. Happy Spiritual Sunday!
I know God will lead you to make the right decision. You will know in your heart when it is time.

Charlotte said...

This is so true. We often become impatient because we want what we want and we want it now. It is so important to remember that God's timing is not like ours. His is perfect. Great reminder to pray and expect an answer - in God's time, not ours.

Lisa notes... said...

I do feel like I go in circles at times. I love that verse; I don’t know that I’ve ever really thought about it. Thanks, Renee! Praying God will give you the direction you at just the right time.

Cathy said...

Agreeing in prayer with you that God will lead, guide and direct your path. He is faithful. Blessings ~

Vintagesouthernlife said...

Waiting is hard but with God leading the way, you won't go wrong.

Pamela said...

I love how you are preparing yourself (purging and packing) so when God does send you "north" you are ready to go.

I always want to have my preparations made when God changes my direction.

Patti Hanan said...

I love what you said about doing things in God's timing. I love the scripture you used. I have also circled my share of mountains. I am glad I found your blog. Thank you for visiting me :)

Musings of A Minister said...

Such wisdom in this post. Yes, God will tell you when to "turn North." I love your attitude. God bless you.

Anonymous said...

Renee, John and I were on the same journey as you and Joel. We were ready and willing but like you, in God's time. It took one year. God has truly blessed us and sent a lovely family to call our old home "their" home.
You both continue to be in my prayers. Blessings, Mildred