An hour later I turned to my online devotionals from Saddleback Church and Joel Osteen. BOTH devotions today were about God's strength in us. Joel Osteen's entitled "God Is Strong In You" reminded me of the Holy Spirit within and the strength given to us through the Comforter. So often we use so little of the Holy Spirit's power within us!
"And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness....."
Romans 8:26
The devotional sent by Saddleback Church was entitled, "God Is Stronger Than You Think" and spoke of how as Christians we often feel we can do all things through Christ...on our own. Not so. God within us gives us the strength we need in our weaknesses. He continually pours His strength into us.
"But the Lord stood by my side and gave me strength..."
2 Timothy 4:17
Today as I rest in my PJ's under my Woolie, I can be assured that God is fighting this battle within me...both the physical and the emotional. Discouragement has no place when God's amazing love blesses us in such wonderful ways. Health issues have no power when God's super strength gives us what we need to move forward....or rest in His loving arms. God's love provided me with a specialist who understands and cares, a treatment plan to help heal, but also the words not only whispered in my prayers but written in two seperate devotionals. It is humbling and so reassuring. Thank you Jesus.
May you, too, find comfort in these words today.
A great reminder when we find ourselves hitting the proverbial wall.
Thanks for sharing this.
Thanks friend! Sending gentle hugs your way today, Dominique.
Hello Renee, I enjoy Joel Osteen's daily devotions by email and I also watch his sermon on tv most weeks. Wishing you a restful night and a nice weekend.
Thanks Mildred....I like Joel Osteen's sermons and especially his devotionals. I find I need a bit more "meat" so also watch Saddleback Church with Rick Warren online.
Sorry to hear about your ER trip and further symptoms, Renee.
Thanks for sharing, though, and hope that you can feel more comfortable soon.
Thanks for your concern over my youngest daughter. We did get her results today: positive again for Lyme. The doctor feels it is a brand new infection, not a chronic situation. I am uncertain about that due to her symptoms since. We began antibiotic tonight and have to get her to eat and drink more. Low weight like me, and low potassium. She is sleeping peacefully beside me here as I type, for which I am grateful. She has had restless leg syndrome keeping her awake. Tonight seems to be a night full of peace and calm finally for her.
So, sweet dreams and I pray you will feel better also-reflux is no fun.
Sending love.
Jan Lyn
I hope you will be feeling better soon. Thank you so much for praying for Baby Eliana .
Isn't God wonderful?! I'm so glad He has spoken to you and given you hope at a time when hope seems dim.
Hope you are feeling better.
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