Wednesday, April 6, 2011


"Don't take a single day for granted. Take delight in each light-filled day! "
Ecclesiastes 11:8  (Message)

I love this verse~  It is a great reminder for us to truly wake up and give thanks for this day~ delighting in the LIGHT that fills it..the Light of Jesus Christ....the day that the Lord has made, created.... for us, His children.

"This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!"
Psalm 118: 24

If you have read my blog for any period of time, you know that I am a worrier who has struggled with a stronghold of fear to be safe and protected, among other things.  God has been helping me to deal with this and find the freedom from fear that I hunger for.  He has been gracious to reveal to me through scripture, inspirational books, prayer, visualization and other amazing resources His deep love for me and His desire that I trust Him completely.  I feel such joy in walking through this journey with my Lord and Savior.

The above verse from Ecclesiastes really spoke to me.  Delight~ Finding each day a matter the matter the matter what our future holds.....because this IS the day that He has made...and His power fills it with light...His Light.  Don't take today for granted...delight in it!!! 


Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful verse Renee. John and I thank you for your continued prayers - you are a treasured and precious friend.

dominique said...

Gosh Renee, I just love this background. I feel myself relax everytime I come here and see it!

I love the book of Ecclesiastes. Isn't that where the passage (paraphrase) "there is a season" is?

You are right. This is a great reminder. One, I too, have to constantly remind myself about.

Thanks for this beautiful and uplifting post!