Friday, August 24, 2012

My Child, Pay Attention To What I Say

I was reading an article by Reba McEntire in the new Guideposts Magazine a couple of days ago, where she shared the key to her life.......listening!  Especially listening to GOD.  She used to see her grandmother on her knees when she was a child, and ask her what she was doing.  Her grandma's reply, "Talking to Jesus.  The Holy Spirit is talking to Jesus for me.".  " How do you know what He is saying?" Reba would ask.  Her reply---"I listen really hard to what God wants me to do.  That's the most important part of praying."  Reba has always followed the same advice.  She does not make any decisions without praying AND listening.  If people ask her what she is going to do next, she says, "I don't know because God has not told me yet!"

This story had me pondering our own lives. The times that Joel and I made big decisions without following this process stand out clearly in my mind.  Ironically, several of those center around moving!  I am sure there are a number of other decisions that we plowed ahead with throughout our lives too, without taking the time to listen to God.  Sometimes there were lessons to be learned in our choices, and sometimes God closed doors or gently guided us back onto the right path.  Often we ended up on the wrong path when we were too impatient to wait for guidance.  Then there were those times we just thought we "knew" what God was thinking.  He must get tired of that!

God was speaking to me with this story.  It came the day before I would need it!  He wanted me to listen.  Not just to Him but to those I love and care about.  Like so often in my life, He knew what I would need before I did.

The Bible is full of promises, commands, and words of love that God wants us to listen to.  Here is one of my favorite passages lately.

"My child, pay attention to what I say. 
Listen carefully to my words. 
 Don't lose sight of them.   
 Let them penetrate deep into your heart,
for they are life to those who hear them
and healing for their whole body." 
Proverbs 4:20-23

I am linking up with Spiritual Sundays


Tami @Feeding A Hungry Soul said...

perfect scripture reference for this much needed reminder! How patient God is to let us learn the important skill of listening. (found my way here from Spiritual Sunday...thanks for sharing!)

Gayle said...

Ummm...lovely healing scripture. I too need to pause and just ask what I am or should be doing with my days. I sometimes get pulled into too many jobs with work and it isn't the path I should be on. I just recently found myself burned out after way too busy of a teaching schedule. Lesson's learned...