Monday, February 10, 2014

Trust Without Borders

The group Hillsong, from Australia, has a beautiful song called "Oceans" that our son Mark introduced to us over the holidays.  A portion of the words in one verse have been speaking so powerfully to me lately that it keeps playing over and over in my head, even waking me in the early morning hours.  For three of the past five nights I have awakened around 3:30am with these words playing in my mind. 

Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Trust without borders...........this is my prayer.  In deepest waters, Holy Spirit, lead me into the resting place of trust~ the arms of Jesus.  In her book, Birthing the Miraculous, Heidi Baker talks about how Jesus asks us to get deep into the river, immersed in His heart, surrendering to His plan ~ always a journey that cannot be accomplished without Him.  In Ezekiel 47 Ezekiel describes the River of Healing that he saw in a vision.  He was first in ankle deep water, then knee deep, waist deep, and finally in water he could not swim across alone.  It frightened him, but God sent an angel to take him across.  Who do we trust when we are in deepest waters of our own making or of God's beckoning?  God calls us to go deeper still, taking us through the death of self to a kiss of life from our Savior. 
Trusting without borders does not come in a moment but a million moments found in the resting, in the counting, in the surrender, in immersing ourselves in the living waters of the One.  Deeper still...Yes Lord, in the Presence let me walk with you upon the waters.  Ann Voskamp says that one of the blessings she has received from counting the gifts is that she trusts her Savior more.  She had "trust issues" until she started counting the gifts moment by every day moment ~ realizing how blessed she was, how much God was there for her. 

 Over the past two years Jesus has been healing me of my own trust issues.  He has beckoned me into deeper water, encouraging me to leave the safety of the ankle or knee deep places where I held control and thought I was secure.  Just in the past two weeks I have been on a journey into new, uncharted waters where Spirit has lead me and I have had to trust Him.  He has both shaken and empowered me and whether the waters have been calm or stormy, I have only wanted more of His Presence.  I do not begin to understand the mystery of it all, but I know that it is a beautiful place to be, a place to trust without borders.  


Anita Johnson said...

I will read this several times, Renee. Trust without borders...perfect!

Sharon said...

Oh Renee, I very much enjoyed this post today. I have so much trouble with *trust issues* sometimes. And yet, I know that the Lord is helping me to grow in this area.

I am encouraged by the sure knowledge that in every flood, every mountainous wave, every deep water that threatens to overwhelm me - I am never alone. He Who Walks on Water and Stills the Storm is there. Always there, ever near...

The Trust-Worthy One.


Kim said...

Renee, This is another post I read at the time and wasn't able to publish a comment, so I wanted to stop by again.

You are once again speaking such truth and beauty here. I noticed on my second reading of your post about Ezekiel's vision, and it hit very close to home as Jesus told me years ago "You will go under but I will bring you back up again."

I'm still learning what all of the meanings of that could be. At the time I didn't realize how often the Bible speaks of drowning and being brought up out of the water. Only God....

I'm so excited to see you growing in trust and faith as it's something I can also relate to. The first time I read this, I had an image of taking a fearless jump into those deep waters. How cool would that be?

John 7:38 came to me in my journaling earlier this month, but I couldn't remember which chapter it was in so when I read your post I was so thankful! Hugs, friend. Here's to trust without borders.