Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Gifts That Keep On Giving

There are times I find myself saying, "Chemo is the gift that keeps on giving."  I haven't meant this in a positive way, of course.  The after affects of chemo, some visible and some not visible, are a reminder of what it does to the body while killing cancer cells. There is a list of symptoms that whisper, talk, and sometimes yell at me.   Yeah, chemo is the gift that keeps on giving.

Radiation is also a gift that keeps on giving, but in less obvious ways.  It is there in print, in black and white, the side effects of it. Yesterday I had a conversation with my radiology oncologist, Dr. S.  He is the nicest man, filled with wisdom and compassion.  His words confirmed my thinking on the gripping/grabbing pains I periodically get in the radiated area.  Radiation is also a gift that keeps on giving.

So how can these two treatments be  described as gifts?  Joel said to me recently that he thought I was doing amazingly well considering that the treatments for this cancer were to cut and remove, use poison, and burn it away.  That is the way we fight cancer right now.  I believe in the future these treatments will be replaced with more powerful and less harmful ways to kill cancer, but these are the "gifts" we have right now.  This is how we fight for a cure, to live our best life.

BUT we cannot forget the One who fights for us.  When I had radiation treatments I would ask Jesus to not only be in the room, which He promised me He would be, but that He would also be in the beam...the proton beam that penetrated my body.  Now, I am in the process of "adjusting" to a tiny little pill that carries a powerful punch.  A hormone inhibitor that is causing me increased pain and at this moment major stomach issues.  I have started thanking God for this pill....a gift that will in the oncologist's words "be most affective in keeping the cancer from returning."  I have not only started thanking Him for this pill but asking Him to work through the pill while at the same time praying for healing.  The healing of a miracle that comes from only Jesus.

I am not one who has found the medical world very comforting.  I would avoid doctors and medications to the point of being unhealthy.  In this journey, especially the past few months, I have learned to appreciate the medical world and even the drugs and treatments used to help me.  They are gifts from God, but we cannot forget that the ultimate gift for our salvation and healing is Jesus.  Jehovah Rafa....the God who heals.   Let us worship Him!  Our Way Maker, Miracle Worker!

And isn't Jesus the gift who keeps on giving?!  He has given us the gift of eternal life but He loves us so much that that is not the only gift He offers.  He offers His love....deep and wide......endless.....He offers us forgiveness......He offers us healing of body, soul, and spirit.  He is the ultimate and most important gift that just keeps on giving!

So, while I use what is available in the world to bring healing and fight the enemy, I keep my eyes on Jesus, who is bigger than any of my ~~ any of our problems.  Never forget.........."The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be calm."  Rest in the truth of it.

1 comment:

NanaNor's said...

Dear Renee, Oh my what a difficult journey you've been on. It reminds me of my dear sister's journey with Ovarian cancer and all that the chemo robbed from her. However, it extended her life 8 years and for that I am thankful.
Praying dear one for His healing touch to comfort you.