Saturday, February 29, 2020

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to all of you from sunny Iowa where our temperatures will be in the 40's  for the weekend, although just south of us they will hit the low 60's.  It is unusually warm, which should once again melt some of the snow.  Spring is coming, people!  Spring is coming!

Joel went to the local "Home Show" yesterday at our fairgrounds to look over the latest garden and home ideas.  We don't have room for a garden here because our yard is so shaded in the areas where we could plant, but we do have some ideas for sprucing up the house and the first one is to put a mantel over our fireplace.  We have been searching for what we want and we are hiring a friend who is an excellent wood craftsman to put it together for us.  There are a few projects on our agenda that we hope to accomplish now that we can take our focus and energy off the last 16 months of neverending medical stuff.

Speaking of medical, after next Tuesday's dental and eye injection appointments we should have three weeks off from seeing any doctors.  Yahoo!  Three whole weeks....yes!  This past week Joel had a couple of big tests to rule out a health issue.  I found myself on the other end of it.....watching him go through something and waiting for him, and for the results.  It gave me a taste of what Joel has experienced and I did not like it one bit.  The doctor gave him all good news, so we are giving thanks here!

Last Sunday afternoon my brother Todd and our sister-in-law Jeannie who live in Minnesota came by for a suprise visit.  It was so nice to spend time with them!  It certainly brightened our day.  We are hoping to go on a few mini excursions to visit family and friends now that we can.  It is always nice to connect with others, isn't it.  We were made for relationships ~ with each other and with God.  It is so important to keep the lines of communication open with those we love.  In the past we spent many years far from family.  We lived in New Mexico, Utah, Montana, and The Philippine Islands besides Minnesota, Illinois, and Iowa.  When we lived in the P.I. we did not get to hug on our extended families for two years.  When we lived out west we saw family once a year during our vacation times.  Once in awhile someone would come to visit.  As we have aged we have realized more than ever how precious family and friends are.  Hold them close, see them the way God sees them, and be thankful, so thankful to have them in your lives.

This week I have been listening to teachings from a Prophetic Conference out at Bethel Church in CA.  There is so much to learn and so little time..........and I love learning.   It feels good to have the energy to not only learn but "do".  I spent Thursday morning cleaning the bathroom, dusting the living and dining room, and one of the bedrooms, ironing a few things ( Yes, I STILL iron) and cleaning up the kitchen.  As I did each task I listened to teachings on my phone.  Multi-tasking at it's best!  There are many times I think how much my mom would have loved having a phone where she could text, receive pictures, and listen to sermons/teachings. How thankful I am that I have all that  and more right at my fingertips! 

So, I am guessing everyone has been thinking about the coronovirus and what it means for us.  We certainly are hearing about it constantly.  How do we prepare?  Have your seen any of the Keep Calm quotes/images on Facebook in the past?  Well the latest one makes me chuckle....even with the turth it holds.  The first thing we need to do is pray, and then our best line of defense is to wash your hands......again and again....over and over. And stay isolated until you are well!   I really wish that those who have the flu or even bad colds would follow the same "rules" and stay home and get well before exposing the public.

I hope your weekend is filled with sunshine, good health, and family and friends to hug on!  And remember to stay calm as our world shakes with fear.  Keep calm....was your hands.....and be sure to lift them up in prayer to the One who shields, protects and loves us.

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