Saturday, February 22, 2020

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you from our home in Iowa where the temperature will try to reach 40 degrees after yet a couple more days of below zero wind chills.  The sun is shining and a bit of the snow is melting.  We'll take it while it lasts ~ there is a lot of snow on the ground!  This time of year you just gotta remember that Spring WILL come!  Spring always comes.

I enjoy living where there are four distinct seasons, but as years go by, I could do with a shorter winter.  Like 1 month instead of 4-5 months of cold weather and snow.  My favorite season is fall and sometimes I think God could have made fall a bit longer and winter a bit shorter!  Of course He did not ask for my opinion on the matter!

When we lived in the Philippines we had one season.  Hot.  Every morning we would wake at 6 am to 85 degrees and super high humidity.  We did not have central air, just air in the master bedroom ( Joel worked shift work and had to sleep sometimes during the day) so a few fans tried to keep us cool.  Once we moved on to the base we had central air.  So nice!  I don't mind the heat, but I do mind the humidity.  It is easier to tolerate dry heat for sure.  When we lived in Montana I decided to paint our bedroom and while painting the one day I thought, boy it is hot.......but I kept on painting away.  Later I discovered it was 103 degrees outside!  We had no air conditioning, but when the air was so dry it never felt really hot.  If it had been 103 degrees with high humidity it would be a different story!  For many reasons, dry air included, I miss the West!  I would love to go west again and especially travel through Montana where we lived for 4 years..What wonderful adventures we experienced.  Some affirmed the "wild west" label for sure!

Speaking of "wild" this past week has been another soap opera drama politically that has played out in our living rooms.  Avoidance in near impossible unless you keep the TV screen blank.  There is a fine balance between staying informed and being pulled in to the middle of it all.

We talked with a long time friend last night, who has just moved to a senior center.  Her husband had died last fall and Joel was able to attend the funeral.  We met this family in 1970 while living in Salt Lake City Utah.  We met at church and have stayed friends the past near 50 years.  They eventually moved to MN and so did we, making it easier to see each other.  They were and are such good, kind, faith filled people.  M. was telling us that she felt God had completely guided and directed her to her new home now that she is alone.  Her four children live in the cities area so she is blessed to have their support and help when needed.  I love when God takes over and leads us right where we need to be.

The story she shared has me recalling when we went to Joel's Internship in Malta Montana.  We owned a house in St. Paul with a rental apt. upstairs.  When it was time for Joel to have a year long Internship there were only 3 places available outside of the Twin Cities for a big family like ours.  We had four kids at the time.......  Joel did not want to leave the Twin Cities because of the house we owned, but we knew there was a place in northern MN, a church in my hometown, and an Internship available in Montana that might be possibilities for us.   It took some deep discussion  on us selling the house and stepping out in faith, but eventually God guided and directed us both to take the Internship in Malta.  It was one of the best and most important years of our lives.  We have been forever grateful that we followed God's lead to Montana!

Speaking of Montana, recently someone asked Joel how long he has worn a western hat.  It took some time to go back in time but eventually he replied, "Since 1982."  He has always worn boots but the hat came after we moved to Montana.  He has had a western hat on his head for 38 years. That is my cowboy preacher.

Enough reminscing............

I am reading yet another mystery by Dave Rosenfelt and continue to read the non fiction book, The Warrior's Dance by Ana Werner.  What are you reading?  Hope you have a good weekend!

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