"Be still and know that I am God"
Psalm 46:10
In today's world, it is often difficult to find time to be still. Truth be told, we are not always comfortable with stillness, and yet God's word encourages us to do so. I believe that God created us with the need for our spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental health to take the time to be still.
I am not talking about the yearly vacation we take, or even plunking down in front of the TV at the end of a long day. I am talking about daily sitting in silence, listening for the voice of God, reflecting on God and our life, and truly resting.
When worry or busyness fill our minds, it would do us good to take a moment to be still, and know. Know that God is God. Know that He is with us. Know that he delights in talking with us. Know Him.
When you come to that place of peaceful stillness, remember. Remember what God has done for you in the past. Remember how He has taken care of you. How He has the best plans for your life...Loves you deeply. Remember how he was there when things looked dark...or darn right scary. Remember how he walked you through a storm....remember how he carried you when you no longer could walk. Remember His faithfulness.
Be still......Know......Remember......