Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thankful and Thoughtful Thursday

I have not posted for  awhile as I struggle with health issues and the emotional turmoil connected to them. Easter was a busy time for Joel and he is also dealing with the physical "aftermath" of this.  God is faithful and seeing us through.   During all this, we have also started looking for a home to buy in Joel's hometown where we plan to retire.  God is leading us back to the very place we started our married life together 43 yrs ago! 

Yesterday I fasted from TV and spent time praying. Last night I was part of a conference call prayer group where we pray for over 500 with Lyme disease and other challenges.  God hears our prayers and delights in them! 

 On this National Day of Prayer it is fitting to give thanks and pray for our country.  Thank you Lord for the privilege to live in a free country where we can vote, worship, and live such good lives.  We are blessed beyond measure.  We also lift our country up in prayer.  We ask that you bless our leader and his family.  Bless all those in office and serving our country in the Armed Forces.  May they always walk with you Lord.

 Giving thanks that we can rely on your promise to not turn a deaf ear to our prayers.  This day I ask, Lord, for you to bless and heal the following people:

Joel ~ having bad symptoms from Lyme bacteria die off.
Renee~ thanking God my stomach is a bit better.  Prayers for endoscopy next Wed. morning.  NO reactions to the meds used, no cancer found and healing of the stomach completely.
Linny and family~ Praising God for her prayer and fasting days and open heart of deep faith
H. ~ prayer of praise she is staying sober and working now
Sisters Georgia and Ravenna ~ health issues continue but have seen some improvements at times.
Ron ~ colon cancer
John (and Mildred) and his health issues
Dominique, Laurel, and Gail ~ severe relapses from ME/CFS
Joe~ in need of a kidney transplant

Lord Jesus, we lift up to you your children, your faithful servants. We ask that you reach out and touch each one of them and bring healing into their lives. You are a God of miracles, a God of healing, our Jehovah Jehri ~ our provider, our Jehovah Raphe~ Lord of healing.   We ask that you move mountains on behalf of them and grant them wholeness and peace.
In Jesus name. Amen


Elaine said...

Amen Renee. Amen.

I will continue to pray that you will be feeling better very soon. And that Joel will too.

Thank you for your service and prayers on behalf of so many.

God Bless,

Anonymous said...

Hi Renee, I continue to pray for you, Joel and the others you have listed here. John and I thank you for your prayers for us.

May I ask you to remember a young 20 yr old mom who has cancer. Her name is Carla and she and her husband have a 13 mo. old baby girl.

I would like to wish everyone a blessed Mother's Day weekend. I will be in prayer for your Wed. procedure. Love, Mildred

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

I agree amen..Keep being blessed of the Lord. He loves you both xxx Crystal Mary