Monday, May 21, 2012

MBM: Showered By God

Memorial Box Mondays was created by Linny at A Place Called Simplicity, to give us an opportunity to share our memories of God's faithfulness and provision in the past.  Looking back and remembering gives us strength and hope during present day trials.  You can read about it over at her blog, HERE.

 God's provision came along with a "shower" this pat week when Joel decided to fix our malfunctioning reverse osmosis system.  We put one in when we moved into this house 8 years ago so we would have healthy water to drink.  About 9 months ago it stopped working correctly.  We would get only a small amount of water before the water would run out even though the tank was full.  My hubby is Mr. Fix-it and decided to work on it then, checking out the information given with the system, which we had kept.

No improvement

So we learned patience, trying to have enough water to fill a pitcher, tea kettle, or coffee pot for 9 months.  Finally this past weekend Joel decided to try one more time as it was getting worse by the day.

Joel took the instruction book, compressor, and his tools down to the laundry room and went to work.  About a half hour later he came upstairs~ no improvement.  When he was heading back down I said, "Did you PRAY about it?"  And he replied, "No I did not, let's pray now."  So I prayed for God to guide Joel and for the system to be fixed and off he went back to the drawing board.  Shortly he came upstairs and went into the kitchen and then yelled, "It's working!"  He came out laughing and showed me the back of his shirt.  He was soaking wet!

Seems when he was working on it, the small hose blew out of the pressure tank and soaked him with water.  He had to grab it and put it back in but half the water was gone from the tank.........and...........

The instruction book did not share this important detail, but it seems you had to release the water in order to use the compressor and get the balance back into the pressure tank so water would come out at a good level.  It works beautifully, and all that was needed, was a little prayer and some help from above.  God knew what was needed and decided to give Joel a helping hand.   I think God has a sense of humor,too, since Joel also got a good shower in the process!

God provides what we need down to the smallest details!  He hears our prayers, and He provides.  Every time I fill up my glass now I give thanks to Joel AND God!

1 comment:

Gayle said...

Oh, what a blessing! Sometimes I will be so upset and realize I never have prayed over something. A needed reminder and a wonderful provision!