Saturday, May 9, 2015

Saturday's Scribbles

It is Saturday morning in our corner of the world.  Rain and warm temperatures have nourished the land this past week. The grass is growing faster than we can mow, the flowers are up, and apple blossoms are heavy with fragrance and blooms.  It is lovely to walk outside and enjoy all that God has created!

Out for a walk in the cold rain
Blossoms and green
Last Sunday we went to our grandson Grant's confirmation two hours south of us.  It was a day to be proud of this young man as he confirmed his faith in Jesus.  Such a blessing for us to be there. 

Proud Grandparents at confirmation

Monday Joel and I tackled more of the house, sorting, purging, and organizing.  On Wednesday I went through our stash of cards again to try and reduce the numbers. Friday I asked Joel to help me and after looking a 4 cards, he said..."I can't do this!  Just put them all in a box and keep them." I heartily agreed!  Some things are just worth keeping :)

We were to head south again today to watch our grandkids play softball, but it did not work out.  I have been doing a lot of resting this week with an infection, and Joel has quite a schedule as he has only 2 months left at Faith Lutheran and people are wanting things like baptisms taken care of before he leaves.  In fact, last night one family came to our home for a pre-baptism visit because it was the only way to work it in!

On Facebook I am already seeing an increase of the "hate and fear" political junk as the 2016 elections loom ahead.   I truly have no patience for those who use fear, hate, and poor journalism to speak their own political views.  As a pastor my husband has never told people how he votes or how to vote.  The pulpit is not used for his own personal political convictions.  We try to do what the Bible tells us, working hard to show respect for our leaders no. matter. whether. the. candidate. we. voted. for. is. in. office. or. not.   Joel and I figure we have been voting since the beginning of time, although we are not quite that old.  I have decided that if any of my "friends" on Facebook spread what I expressed as their "hate and fear",  I will stop following them til the 2016 elections are over.  I work hard to speak life and not death with my words.  My only advice?  Check out everything you read or hear thoroughly, not just accepting it as truth.  Share your views without spreading hate and fear.  So, now I will get off my own soapbox.

Joel and I watched the movie "Unbroken" last night.  It is a true story about the life of Louis Zampenni , but focuses mostly on how he survived a plane crash and years in Japanese POW camps.  It was intense and brutal in places.  It is amazing, the resilience some people have.  The movie did not bring in much about God, but Louis credited God with giving him the strength to survive.  It reminded me of one of our Bible college professors who, as a missionary, was put in a camp by the Chinese. The stories of torture he shared were brutal, and he had the scars and broken, bent fingers for proof.

I have been reading two books by the Praying Medic this week.  One is on Divine Healing and the other is filled with stories of the healings he has seen as, in obedience, he prays for people to be healed.   I am also reading a light G.A. McGevett mystery.

Tomorrow is Mother's Day. I have been a mom since 1970 when our firstborn daughter  entered the world.  Our second child, a son, was born the following year.  It had always been part of our plan to have children through adoption, and we adopted our middle daughter and son while living in the Philippine Islands.  A few years alter we adopted a son while living in Montana, and then two more children ~ son and daughter~ while living in Minnesota.  There is a 16 year age different between our oldest and youngest.  We are a family of five kids now, with the loss of two sons.  One son died from congestive heart failure at age 25, the other loss is from estrangement.  We adopted our youngest son when he was seven, and spent several years helping him and getting him help with his major issues.  He went back to his birth family after spending 10 years incarcerated.  We are so thankful for our family and the love they have for God.  The older four are involved in their churches, jobs, and communities.  So proud.  So grateful.  We are also blessed to have eleven grandchildren that we can hug on, and our in-loves bless our lives as well.  Both our mothers are celebrating in Heaven again this year.  I wonder if they get together to talk over how it was when we were young.  Ha....

Our Mom's day will be filled with church, a confirmation service Joel is officiating at, a good walk, grilled pork chops and asparagus, and a phone call or two.  Wishing each of you who are moms, grandmothers, aunts, and sisters a very special day tomorrow. 

Until next time,.,........


Breathing In Grace said...

What a special post. I enjoy catching up on other's lives, although my own seems kinda boring until I stop and realize how busy I stay...and like you said, just how blessed we are!!! Two of our grandchildren are adopted, so I understand about loving on those sweet little ones! Our baby grandson is just the most awesome little fellow in the world....and yes, I'm a proud Nannie! HOPE you have a special Mother's Day, sweet Lady. Thanks for stopping by and leaving me encouragement!

Anita Johnson said...

I enjoyed reading this post too! What a wonderful family you have. I'm going through things too...some things are easy to get rid of and I love to lighten the load, but others I just can't let go of. Sometimes the piles make me laugh.

Sharon said...

Always love catching up with your life.

I've also been resting the last few days - have some sort of yucky virus. Hope you're feeling better.

Politics - yup, I am not a fan. It seems to start earlier and earlier, and it gets nastier all the time. Frankly, I find it hard to trust anyone anymore. But, I'm like you. I pray for the Lord to accomplish His will through our leaders, and I work to respect their position of leadership (if not the person him or herself).

I read the book Unbroken. It was quite a story. And in the book, Zamperini speaks abundantly about his faith struggle, and about his rather reluctant conversion at a Billy Graham crusade. It doesn't surprise me that Hollywood didn't talk about God. But, Louis sure did!

Take care, Renee, and I certainly hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!