Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Bird From Hell

Do you remember the robin that would not stop hitting our large window on the landing?  Joel eventually put up a screen over the 8 foot tall window to keep him from seeing his reflection.  That lasted a week and then he tore apart part of the screen!  We put it back up, but he still spends a great deal of his days flying against the window....over and over and over.  Seriously annoying.

We have tried scaring it away, keeping the curtain closed, commanding it to leave in Jesus name, putting up a screen, and at the suggestion of the neighbors, Joel shot a pellet gun at it.  I know.  For bird lovers this is painful to hear. My husband grew up with a gun in his hand but don't worry, the bird flew off leaving behind just a few feathers.  We felt so bad after that event, we eliminated that option.  And yes, we know it is against the law to shoot off even a BB gun in town.  We were desperate.  We still are. 

We have decided this bird has been sent from hell to torment us.  In fact, ever since we did the all day seminar on healing and Holy Spirit so many things have come against us that we are exhausted.  I am ready to lay down on the floor and say, I. give. up. 

But then the bird hits the window again, and even though you could say he is the perfect example of the definition of insanity (doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results), he is also an example of persistence, perseverance.  It depends on the situation. 

So now I have taken to blessing the bird.  Yep.  When it hits the window starting at 6am I cover my head with a pillow.  But when I am up and functioning I bless it for being persistent.  For being part of God's creation, for teaching us patience? For distracting us from our current circumstances.......

Today I read a post on Facebook that talked about the darkest times in our lives and that we need to praise God the loudest when it is the darkest.  Somehow this bird is part of that.  To praise God with the little things that come against us, like an annoying bird, and the big, like a health issue,.....because all sin, suffering, and even birds from hell, bow to God.  All praise...all You our Savior, our King.

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