Thursday, November 5, 2015

Looking Back While Walking Forward

So last night we sat on comfy chairs waiting for the pastor to begin his teaching on healing.  After a long day with another two hours spent at the cancer center, our weekly grocery shopping, and a quick supper, we grabbed our Bible and headed out to be encouraged by the living Word.  Turns out Joel was going to be one of those doing the encouraging, as he was called up spur of the moment to share his healing story.

Joel is used to a microphone and a platform, so it did not take long for him to get in the groove again, sharing his story and speaking the Word.  "By His stripes we are healed".

Periodically I share here how Joel was healed.  It is quite an amazing story of God's love and healing power.  You know, that same power that raised Christ from the dead and is inside of you?!

After hearing a teaching entitled, "God Wants You Well by Andrew Wommack on the evening of January 23, 2012, we discussed the principles we heard.  Joel felt they were very Biblical, so when we went to bed that night he commanded the Lyme, Bartonella, and Babesia to die in Jesus name, and then we went to sleep.  At 4 am he woke up completely healed.

After three years on disability from Lyme,  Joel was healed of :
Sleep Apnea
Thyroid Disease
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Eye condition

Quite a list, isn't it!  Joel woke up at 4 am, sat up in bed, and said "I am healed".  He then began to speak in tongues, to his surprise.  That next evening I could literally see a "glow" on Joel's face.  I could not stop staring at him, he looked so healthy.  Within a couple of months he was back to his old self, including riding his bike 20 miles a day.  Amazing.  And the doctors thought so too.

My healing journey has been a process, although I did receive healing for Lyme, Bartonella, Babesia, and Erchlichia immediately and then in time from Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Thyroid Disease, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.   And yes, even with having to go through surgery and now radiation for breast cancer, we still believe God wants us well.  Period.

Joel's healing and encounter with Holy Spirit completely changed our lives.  We can never go back to what was.  Joel continues to walk in good health and I continue to believe for my full healing.  We continue to pursue more.  More of Holy Spirit, Jesus, and God.  More healing for ourselves as necessary and for others.  More wisdom, more of God's purpose for our lives.  We continue to proclaim that God wants us well, looking back while continuing to walk forward with expectation.

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