Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The Downward Slope

I'm trading in my hiking boots for a pair of skies!  Today I began on the downward slope with radiation.  I'm just over half way to the finish line, since today was number 16 of 31.   I've been doing really well considering, but yesterday's treatment rattled me.  I came out of the cancer center cold, shaky and a bit nauseated.  By the time we came home I was having chills.

I had just told the doctor I was doing great!  And I am.  Periodically, though, it takes a different direction and the only thing to do is go with it.  I came home, put on warm, soft sweats, got in my recliner, turned on the fireplace and settled in.  I woke up today feeling pretty much the same, but the day is young and I'm skiing now!

We went yesterday bearing gifts, along with our gratitude.  I made pumpkin bread and we bought some fun candy, plus a tray of grapes and clementines for a healthier option.  The techs that do the treatments are young.  Well, the ladies are young, but  the one man is in his early fifties I expect.  Always friendly, always optimistic, they make the journey easier, and we wanted to show our appreciation.  It is Thanksgiving week, after all!

We have been visiting recently with the other gowned and robed ladies as we wait. While I took my turn in the " chamber", two shared the ups and downs of their journey with Joel.  One had chemo first because even though they caught it early, she is battling the "worst" kind of breast cancer. She is a vibrant upbeat warrior who looks beautiful from the top of her bald head to the tip of her painted toes.    The other has 6 days of treatment left.  Tired often, but still working.  Yay for her!  The room that we wait in holds many stories.  I have heard laughter there, voices of courage, and weeping of one overcome by the reality of it all.  And silence.  So much silence.  Everyone's journey is a bit different but yet all of us are united by the unjust war we fight and the deep desire to live a long full life!

I am so very grateful for the promises God has given me/us.  They sustain us.  That wrap around shield He has promised to me?  We see that......we feel that.....His love and protection.  My skin is doing okay and my energy has been really quite good until yesterday.  Speaking of yesterday, in the morning I was reading the Passion Translation's daily words...."I hear Him whisper" and there it was written boldly for me to see, my own reminder from the One who keeps His promises.......Yes!

"I will be your Wrap-Around-Shield."

We can depend on His promises.  Rest on them.  Thank you for reminding me of Your promises when things get a bit tough.  Thank you that You are a God of Your Word.  We have so much to be thankful for as we rest in His promises, eat our pumpkin pie, and worship the One who keeps His promises, His Word.  My Wrap-Around-Shield.  Yours.  Ours.


NanaNor's said...

Dear Renee, I know that you and Joel are having a major impact there. You are such a warrior and I'm proud to call you sister and friend. I pray you have a blessed Thanksgiving overflowing with healing.

Anita Johnson said...

I have said this before, your attitude is so positive! I am sure the technicians enjoy having you as a patient. Keep on skiing right out of there. Happy Thanksgivng to you and your family. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! XO

Gayle said...

Oh, what a beautiful word picture. Sending you thoughts and prayers of healing.