Saturday, April 4, 2020

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you from our corner of Iowa where winter returned on Friday after temperatures hit 65 degrees on Thursday!  What a roller coaster ride.  We had ice and then snow on Friday, with a high of 36 degrees that kept dropping throughout the day.  This "April Fool's" weather should not stick around too long as temperatures rally next week!

Speaking of roller coaster rides, it seems to be where we all find ourselves as this drama called life continues to unfold with the coronavirus.  For days I would wait for the news conferences to be held, both at the White House and in our state, but I soon realized it is not just words I can rely on, but the actions taken.  It is difficult to fathom an end to this as the daily accounts of infections and deaths and the staggering job losses rise.  It all continues to shock our systems, doesn't it.  What I take hope in is seeing that states are turning somewhat to each other for help and support, just like people are.  Not everyone is hoarding toilet paper or disinfectants or pointing a finger at each other.  Many people are making homemade masks for friends and families besides medical personal to wear long before the CDC decided it would be helpful.  People are stepping up to the plate to do what they can to help others.  States are sharing ventilators, etc.  One way we, in the general population, can help each other is to stay home when we can and social distance when we go out.

Speaking of going out, last Saturday we took my laptop to a neighboring town so Joel's colleague and friend could check out why it was acting so very weird.  It was in a state of rebellion and we needed help with it.  Joel set it on the front deck and he and his friend S. talked a bit from a safe distance.  S. spent precious time fixing my laptop and came back with it Sunday afternoon, once again setting it on our front porch.  We chatted with him through our big glass storm/summer door.  Joel wiped down the laptop with alcohol swabs and we let it sit for a day before I used it.  In this day of not touching things or people it is amazing to realize how much we do use the sense of touch!

Monday we decided Joel needed to grocery shop.  He went early to one store and then went to Target because we had my two prescriptions to pick up.  He was amazed at how some people did not respect the social distancing need.  He wore gloves and when he came home he put everything on the long counter in our garage.  From there he wiped down and disinfected things for the freezer and fridge, leaving the rest of the items in the garage for 5 days before wiping them down and placing them in the cupboards or on shelves.  It is definitely a lot more work to grocery shop now!   ** If you noticed I am not touching anything outside the house that is not is my hubby's rule!

Another example of social distancing?  Joel got a second flat tire on his recumbent bike!  He called is bike store in a neighboring town and asked if they had one, which they did.  This was a blessing in itself as he wanted a specific tire that would be stronger at holding up against sharp rocks, etc.  The owner of the shop asked if he was okay meeting outside and Joel told him he preferred it.  So he came out with the tire, wearing gloves, and he changed the tire for Joel from a distance of 6 feet.  Joel wore gloves bringing it and taking it home where he wiped it down.  We were so grateful it could be fixed so easily!  Biking has become Joel's getting out "go to"....making sure he social distances of course.

Thought I would share a little update for those who have asked me how I am doing.  I am doing well. As far as chemo effects, I still struggle with some neuropathy, but less than before.  My nails are still brittle and toe nails painful at times, but again less than before.  My hair is coming in good everywhere but the top of my head!  And it is curly~ unruly is how I describe it.  With radiation effects what is most obvious is the pain I feel in bones/ribs when I try to lay on my right side and some tightness in my skin.  The aromatase inhibitor I am on has its own fun side effects.  Mainly for me stomach pain at times and a boat load of muscle and joint pain and stiffness, some headaches and dizziness at times.  We are truly grateful I am tolerating it  as it is vital for keeping the cancer from returning.  I am walking 15-20 minutes a day, cooking, cleaning, and have little horizontal time anymore during the day!  So, thank you for your asking, for your continued prayers and for your encouragement.  In this current climate we are grateful for each day in too many ways to express.

My older sister who raised me for several years of my childhood will be 87 the end of this month.  Her daughter Janelle brought her a beautiful plant to enjoy, delivered from her favorite nursery.  Love this picture of her!  She has had many health issues the past couple of years and due to the coronavirus has not left her apt for weeks.  Now someone in her building for Seniors has the virus so she definitely is staying inside and not venturing out into hallways, etc.  There are so many elderly in her position.  We are praying for her and so many others to avoid this terrible sickness!

My mom would have been 110 this week and we have a granddaughter turning 17 today!  I am so glad my mom was not hear for all this craziness.  And pray our granddaughter G. will be stronger at the end of it!

Today Joel and I will be trimming each other's hair.  I have cut his hair for years and years, and he used to cut mine when I had Lyme Disease.  I need a bit of a trim only because it is so much longer on the sides and back than on top where it is slow growing.  Just one more way to adjust to social distancing and our decision to shelter at home.

Speaking of sheltering at home, does anyone else forget what day it is?  With no appointments, no places to be, I sometimes have to think..........hmmmm what day is it??

How are you spending your time?  We still watch quite a bit of TV, are reading a non-fiction book out loud together that makes us laugh, playing cribbage and scrabble, cooking together,  and the chairs are now on the front porch for "porch time".  Joel and I have been sorting and purging the office (which is mainly his 40 plus years of ministry and financial paperwork).  We both like to write and read and I have been doing chair yoga and he does weight training.  There is a puzzle on the dining room table waiting for us, too.  Of course we have been talking on the phone more to keep in touch with friends and family.  We would love to hear how you are keeping busy if you are sheltering at home!

Enjoy your weekend!

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