Saturday, April 18, 2020

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you from our corner of Iowa where Spring continues to play "hide-and-seek" with us!  Snow came this past week, and today warm temperatures once again.  Maybe the weather is expressing the chaos of our world.  Getting on board the roller coaster as we ride things out.

Speaking of that roller coaster ride, are any of the rest of you mourning what has been lost in this pandemic?  Grief rises.  It makes us sad to see so many suffering and dying.  It makes us sad to see what is happening to small businesses, it also makes us sad to see the greed that rises in those taking advantage of this to scam others, to add to their own pocketbooks in any way they can.  It saddens me to see this made political.  Sometimes that sadness turns to anger.  We grieve what our country has lost ~ the ability to unite in a crisis.  The ability to care more about your neighbor that your politics.  We grieve how politics are dividing families, it separates and silences relationships.  We grieve that.

On the other side of that we see what doctors and nurses, first responders and the rest are sacrificing to serve the sick and dying.  We give thanks for them and for the medical experts who are doing their best to figure this out.  We give thanks for the way so many many people are coming together to help in their own ways.........making online concerts to raise money..........encouraging others in their own ways, big and small.  My older sister went through a year of very difficult challenges involving her heart and then a brain bleed.  After surgery at Mayo to patch the bleed, she has slowly gotten stronger and stronger.  Still fragile but moving forward.  This week she called her Mayo Dr. office and thanked them for what they had done for her, sharing how she is getting stronger.....she told them she would be praying for them.  She was doing her part to spread the love, encourage others, and sharing our first line of defense ~ prayer~.  I am sure we each have something we can do to help in this time of deep turmoil.

Now to add a little humor to this Covid-19 craziness.....The police in a small town in Maryland posted this on their Facebook page:

"Please remember to put pants on
before leaving the house
 to check your mailbox. 
You know who you are. 
 This is your final warning."   

This was done out of humor, and went viral.  Sooooooooooo funny and probably true somewhere in America!

So, how has your week been going?  Same ol' same ol' ?    yeah....Joel ventured out grocery shopping last Monday ~ our bi-monthly run....found most things, and even toilet paper, but no disinfectant in either store he went into.  He masked up and wore gloves, wiping down everything he purchased with rubbing alcohol.  Soon that will be gone so the search for disinfectants and wipes continues.  Joel did not get much biking in with the weather, but I was able to walk indoors each day.  We cleaned out his clothes closet and he spent all day Friday in the garage re-organizing everything from his wood to his tools.   I asked him if he was trying to maintain some control over his domain since he has none over what is going on "out there"?  (grin)  His answer?  Yes!!!  It took me back to when I was diagnosed with breast cancer the first time.  We were moving to Arizona, even had our house on the market.  We took our house off the market and changed our plans......he put wheels on almost everything in his shop that season.  It kept his mind and heart busy!   Soon he will have the most organized shop area in our neighborhood.  Our oldest son made a comment...."First he is organizing the wood by size, and then by color, right"?   (grin)

Has anyone else been distracted?  The other day I was talking to our youngest on the phone and while talking to her I was searching the sofa and coffee table phone.  Cuz I did not remember it was in my hand while I talked!  Oh boy!  Concentration goes down as stress rises up!  Deep breath, quiet moments of reflection, and reaching out to others to talk about something besides Covid-19.  It all helps!

Today it has been windy but warm.....70 degrees!  We have opened windows and doors and are breathing in the fresh air.  Tomorrow it gets colder again, so we are enjoying it while we can.  Meanwhile I hope your weekend is good and the weather is treating you well!

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