Saturday, April 11, 2020

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you from our corner of Iowa where Spring is playing hide and seek with the Upper Midwest. Rain, snow, wind, and more wind arrived Thursday.  Today it is supposed to rain with serious accumulating snow forecast for tomorrow!  It is mid April and we are in a winter storm watch......What?

Thursday Joel decided to ride, even with very blustery winds.  As he bundled up and got his bike ready, we suddenly had snow.  Swirling blizzard like snow!  It was brief enough he could wait and try again just a few minutes later.  The sun would be shining one minute and the next it would be snowing!  Strange.  He did manage 10 miles in 36 degree weather with winds steady at 22 mph and gusting to who knows what.  Cabin fever had him ignoring the elements and heading out into the weather!

This has been another shelter in place week.  We did venture out for my eye injection and I wrote about that on Wednesday.  I had to use a bandanna and rubber bands for a mask!  Otherwise, we stay within the four (or more) walls of our house or 4 corners of our yard except for walks and bike rides in our association.   We have started cleaning and purging one room at a time.  The office was first ~~ one down and 8 rooms to go!  Joel is thrilled about it.......(grin)   It is nice to have clean curtains and ceiling fans, etc.  We are trying not to gain the "15 quarantine" pounds I have read about on Facebook,  I wonder how many people are eating more........or drinking more?  We don't drink alcohol, but we do eat!

This past Monday Joel was drilling something in the garage and was distracted, forgetting to clamp down the object he was drilling.  The object moved and the drill slipped and ripped into his thumb.  He lost a chunk  of the meaty part of his thumb!  It bled a good 18 hours and then began to heal.  No stitches needed since a wide patch of thumb is just plain gone.  And no way he was going to an ER or Urgent Care at this time!  That was enough drama for the two of us!

Speaking of drama, our world continues to be so unsettled as the Covid-19 virus continues to ravage our country.  I often find myself whispering, "Lord have mercy"......There is a bit of hope rising from the ashes and we hang on to that knowing what happens on the east and west coasts eventually comes to the center of the country.  The good and the bad.  We continue to shelter in place with social distancing the name of the game.  And here we are in the midst of it all, attempting to focus on Holy Week.  Holy Week and Easter are a wonderful time to reflect and renew.  We have continued to watch church livestream but last night chose TBN's Chris Tomlin worship with pastor Max Lucado.  It was a blessing for us both.

Of course I have been thinking back on when our home was filled with kids.  Easter weekend was always a very busy time.  On Saturday everyone's clothes had to be ready for Sunday and with raising up to 8 kids, that took time.  Then there were the eggs to get boiled and decorate.  With so many of us, we boiled several dozen to dip and dye, using wax color crayons to write and draw on them the names of those we loved and cared about. We also baked and decorated an Easter Bunny cake and prepared for our traditional Cure 81 Ham dinner ( I am from the hometown of Hormel!) which always meant a spiced cherry sauce topping and a few other special dishes.   Of course once the kids went to bed the Easter Bunny would always ask for our help to fill and hide the baskets for our household. They would be filled with candy, gum, eggs, and books.  In the middle of this Joel was busy getting through Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter services.  Sometimes for three churches, a couple of times for two  and a few for just one.  It just depended on where he was serving. Yes, Easter was a very busy time.......of course that has changed over the years.  The kids grew up, left home, created families and traditions of their own.  We are used to being alone for most holidays now, but this year is unusual to say the least.  We try to remember, it is not forever, but just for now We are blessed to be able to worship from home!  Celebrating together through technology that Christ has risen! 

On this unusual Easter weekend, we look back on so many places we have worshiped with family, friends, parishners in Illinois, New Mexico, Utah, Montana, The Philippines, several places in Minnesota, and now Iowa.  Tomorrow Easter churches may be empty, but Easter celebrations continue.  We pray your Easter is filled with the joy of knowing Jesus!  Oh worship the King!!!

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