Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Where Is That Cabin In Alaska!

It has come to this............binge watching Life Below Zero and repeats of Death In Paradise and Magnum P.I.  Well, not really binging as we keep to our routine most days, while throwing in a game or two of cribbage or Scrabble.  But there are times when we (mostly me) escape through TV.  It has taken me back to a time when we were younger and had a house full of young kids "things" would sometimes feel overwhelming.  After seeing the movie, "Adventures Of The Wilderness Family" in 1979, whenever I felt like I needed a day away from it all, I would say, "It is time to move to that cabin in Alaska."  Of course I was not thinking about all the extra work involved in living off the grid, I just wanted to escape life in the moment!

Today I woke up and thought, "Nothing has changed since our world completely changed".  We are still in the nightmare to beat all nightmares.  We are still isolating at home.  We are still hearing from medical providers, including Mayo to cancel, reschedule, postpone, or set up video or phone appointments.  We are still searching for disinfectant in any way shape or form.  Still searching for cloth masks or figuring out how to make one that does not use rubber bands to hold it in place.  We are still watching the economy break, watching people we know struggle financially and in their jobs.   We are still unable to go anywhere but out for groceries.  We are still..............we are still...........

Yep, I woke up crabby and decided not to infect Joel with my poor attitude today. It is okay to be down and out, as someone very dear to me said, "We need to cut ourselves some slack....we are dealing with loss, with grief.  So very true.   Be kind to ourselves.....I was determined today to shift the atmosphere from darkness to light so I decided to take "action" this morning.  I cleaned a bathroom, did some mending, walked in the house 20 minutes,   Music played and my mind focused on what is "still the same" but now in a comforting way.  We still celebrated Easter.  In fact we watched 4 different Easter services on Sunday and Monday!  We still have a full freezer and fridge....plent of food, maybe too much?!!  We can still connect with our kids ~ on Easter it was by Zoom.  So fun to see there faces!  We still have everything we need and more in this season of our lives.  All I need to do is look around me....you too?  Yes.  And even though we are in the vulnerable category for this virus, we also are retired and have no job worries.  We are still able to reach out to God and He. Is. Here. For. Us. Never changing, always faithful.

Today may have had me thinking about that cabin in Alaska as I did so many years ago, but time and experience tells me that there is no need to be overwhelmed when we put our trust in God.  Joel and I read Psalm 91 this morning in several translations.  It is all about being safe and secure as we are tucked in the Secret Place under His wings.  He is bigger than any "pestilence" (virus).  Seeking shelter with God is truly better than any cabin I would want to escape to in the wilderness of Alaska!

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