Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Sunday's Coming!

I woke up about three this morning with this thought popping into my head. "It's Good Friday.....but Sunday is coming!" Every time I woke up after that the same thought would present itself.  I think God was trying to get my attention.

 Of course it is not Good Friday yet, but in some ways we have been living in a season of Good Friday now for quite some time.  Darkness, despair, suffering, death....our TV's, newspapers, and phones are filled with it and even though stories of hope are presented to us to try to balance some of the reality brought into our lives through the Covid-19 crisis, it cannot be avoided.  Our world is a mess. It looks bleak when we focus on it all.  But just like when Jesus died on the was not the end.  Sunday was coming!  And Sunday will be coming again for all of us concerning this pandemic, too.

Yesterday I headed out for the first time in three weeks to get the eye injection required for me to keep the vision in my left eye.  The doctor comes to our city every Monday and Tuesday to take care of patients in north Iowa.  They usually see an average of 80 each day!  My first appointment was set for 2:50 pm, but on Monday they changed it to 12 noon when there would be few patients.  Then I received a call yesterday morning asking me if I could come in at 11 am instead because they had a free slot.  When Joel and I went into the Retina section of the clinic we were the only people their besides the staff.  No one was scheduled for that time before lunch so they wanted us to come in to protect me from possible exposure.  Can you believe it?  How nice of them!  I am sure they did this for others too.  What a blessing!  It was surreal to be in that big clinic and not see anyone but staff in scrubs and masks.  We were in and out of there quickly and home within an hour.  Today it really stood out for me that in a season of Good Friday days was a Sunday is Coming moment!  We saw the sun peaking through the clouds....the SON Himself was made known in the grace and kindness of a staff that was concerned and caring.

We all have our "Sunday is Coming" moments we can think on and share with others.  Moments where we see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Moments when we know deep within this too shall pass and we will see Sunday come!  Moments when the goodness inside of all of us comes forth and shines a beacon in the darkness and uncertainty of our lives.

In the midst of Holy Week, we focus on our Lord Jesus and His journey to the cross.  We remember His death and the tremendous suffering He endured to save us all from death and destruction.  In this dark time, we hold close to us what we already know to be true.....Sunday is coming!!!!  Sunday is coming. 

When we wake each morning we are faced with the new reality that our world is shaken to its very core.   It can feel as dark, hopeless, or endless as Good Friday, but we are all called to stand firm and hold on to the hope that Sunday is coming!  Sunday is coming!

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