My Memorial Box Monday story today just took place in the past few weeks. I am sharing how God whispered in my ear the urgency for Joel to go home and see his mom...and what followed.
In October Joel and I talked about the need for him to get back home to see his mom as it had been a year! With both of us dealing with late stage Lyme Disease, a lot of planning is required for a trip. I felt that Joel should go home for Thanksgiving, but he did not want to leave me alone and I was not too crazy about idea either.
Still, the thought would not leave my mind.
In fact I felt an urgency about it, but tried to ignore those feelings when Joel decided he would go in early Nov. He went for a 4 day visit right after Halloween and was not back home a week when his mom ended up in the ER. While there they discovered a large aneurysm next to her heart. She was not told about it though.
After some serious discussion we knew that the urgency I felt was from God so Joel decided he would go home for Thanksgiving. He left on a Tues. and spent all day Wed. with her, going out for lunch, driving around the country to look at the farm where she grew up, and visiting out at Joel's brother's cabin where he was staying. They had a wonderful full day together.
Mom mentioned that day that she did not think she would be living very long. When Joel asked her why she was saying that, she just replied that she did not know, but that is what she thought. Joel then asked his mom, "Are you ready to die mom?" She replied, "Yes, I am ready ~when the good Lord says it is time."
Later that evening when Mom was back in her apt. and Joel was getting ready for bed at the cabin , the phone rang and his mom had been taken to ER in terrible pain. While there they discovered a perforated ulcer. With the aneurysm and her age of 93, surgery was not an option. Joel told her what was happening and said to her, "Mom you will likely die from this." She said, "Okay. I am ready."
They put her on antibiotics and she started to improve enough that Joel came back home. He was home a week when the phone rang and his brother told him that they did not expect her to last the night. It was her 94th birthday. We packed Joel up as fast as we could, and off he went again for the 8+ hr drive north. When Joel arrived she seemed to rally once again, although she never regained consciousness.
Joel spent most of his time by his mom's side. The hearing is the last sense to go, so he talked to her about many things, read her favorite scriptures to her and prayed with her often. She died on Monday evening quietly and at peace. Being there was a blessing for him.
There were many blessings and provisions that occurred as God in His loving mercy worked all things out for Joel, his mom, and me here at home.
~God whispered in my ear more than once that Joel NEEDED to go home at Thanksgiving. And because Joel was there, mom got what she needed in the hospital and Joel was able to spend even more time visiting with her and comforting her when she was in pain.
~Joel was supposed to fill in for a pastor in the pulpit on Dec. 4th, but was able to call and have that taken care of on the 3rd so he could leave to be with his mom.
~Since I have a childhood fear of being alone overnight, God wanted me to know this was important for Joel and his mom so the voice of God spoke to me, not Joel. I needed to know it was God's will with the many nights Joel would have to be gone.
~Joel is on disability and not working, so he was free to spend all the time that was needed with his mom.
~Joel is a pastor, so he has been at the bedside of hundreds of dying people. He was able to make sure she got all the care she needed and was comfortable and at peace.
~ God provided Joel with amazing stamina and strength for the week he was there...and he also provided a quiet peaceful place on the lake for rest. When things were stressful, he could sit looking out over the lake and find a sense of peace. He slept better at night than he has in years !! The Lyme symptoms were not intense and many subsided for those days.
~At home God provided not one but two people to shovel out the driveway and steps after 5 inches of snow fell here. God provided a neighbor behind me who kept an eye on me...even calling one morning when lights were on late at night and early in the morning~
~ I had to take the dog out later at night which I dreaded, BUT it was not dark out due to all the neighbor's Christmas lights lighting up the block. And after a few times...I realized I kind of liked the quiet that filled the night when I stood out on our porch.
~ God provided me with a Bible verse that I just knew was from Him. Psalm 4:8 "In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, O Lord, will keep me safe." I felt so loved and protected when God gave me that verse.
~Money is very tight due to being on disability and having high medical costs BUT God provided money in the form of a payment someone owed us AND a surprise gift so that the costs of traveling and eating during those three trips has been covered.
God loves us so much. He cares for us, he provides for us. He works all things together for good for those who love the Lord. He is awesome.
If you want to read more Memorial Box Monday inspirational stories of God's faithfulness stop over and visit Linny at
A Place Called Simplicity