I talked with Joel today about my struggle, and he replied with a story. A story about a son who believed his parents could not afford the tennis shoes the whole basketball team had chosen to wear ~~New Niki high tops in white with red and black trim, which were the schools colors. So he did not ask for them.
His parents went to the first basketball game and his mom noticed right away that he was the only kid on the team who was not wearing these tennis shoes. Stunned, she asked her son later why he did not ask for them. He told her that he knew they did not have extra money for something so costly.
The next day his mom set out on a quest to find those shoes for her son. She went to several stores, and ended up calling several more until a size 9 Niki white high top with red and black trim was found.......in another town 1 and 1/2 hours from their home. Putting them on hold, she jumped in the car and drove to the city, found the store and purchased them for her son. Then she got back in the car and drove to her son's school, just in time to give them to him for practice.
Joel then went on to say, "The love this mom had for her child was so strong, she would have driven to the next state to find those shoes. She was relentless in her quest to give them to him.
And God has the same kind of love, no even more, for you, Renee. His relentless love for you to be His child, to be saved and to be healed. He wants the best for you. Never question His love for you. The Word says by His stripes we are healed. Never question His promises. Never question that you are not worthy of His promises. Stay as determined with
your knowledge of God's Word and how much He loves you, as you were in your relentless love to find those shoes for our son."
Relentless is God. To welcome us to the Kingdom as His child. To be blessed with all that He has for us. Forgiveness, wholeness and healing, and love. Oh, His relentless love. It is for us all.
Today I am linking up with Faith Barista for Finding Whitespace, with today's prompt being "quiet places". My husband Joel is often my quiet place with his deep love and soothing words and insights.

1 comment:
Oh, Renee, I will pray for your healing as well! Love to you!
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