Saturday, June 20, 2015

Saturday's Scribble

Good Saturday morning to you from our damp corner of the world.  We woke up to heavy rains, winds, and a continual rumble early, early this morning.  Rain and more rain is forecast for most of the coming week, although tomorrow looks to be sunny!  Joel and I just got back from a walk in-between storms.  We took the association path, seeing only one dog and a number of birds. No two legged animals were out but us. Everything is so beautiful and green this time of year, especially with all the rain we have had.  We have walked 1-1.5 miles most days, mostly along the river or on paths.
Selfie while out walking this morning
It has been a week of joy and of sorrow.  Joel had his physical and he is very healhy.  All tests normal.  He just plain walks in divine health.  At times I confess I get a bit envious, but I am so thankful he is doing so well.  No medications, 2 vitamin supplements, and that is it.  He will be 69 next week.  Praise God!  And......Where did those years go??

Our friend Deb Grant is still battling an aggressive fungal infection that has her in the heart unit of the hospital and now also fighting pneumonia due to the fungal infection weakening her immune system.  Please lift her in prayer! 

The horrible murders of those gathered for a prayer meeting in Charleston has deeply saddened us, as it has everyone.  I found the forgiveness that family members presented to the murderer to be humbling and inspirational.  I will never understand what fuels such hate except that, yes, I guess I do understand where hate comes from.  It is the devil who has come to steal, kill, and destroy.  Nine people welcomed a young man into their prayer meeting and met face to face with evil....they are now martyrs in heaven.  Their earthly bodies gone, but their souls living free.  The shooter...the killer...the murderer lives now in his own hell.  May He come to know Jesus the way those he hated knew Him. 

We spent more time purging and sorting and will continue to do so as we move in baby steps towards selling the house and moving forward.  As I sorted the years of cards received, I have cried over those from loved ones no longer here, laughed and giggled over the humorous ones, and taken into my heart a second time notes from our children and each other.  We are down to a small box now...more manageable.  So many memories.

I am still reading the Praying Medic's book, "Divine Healing Made Simple".  One of the best educational books I have read on  healing.  We have watched a few teachings, some TV, and enjoyed a little porch sitting.  Love our little porch and pray whoever buys our home finds it as much of a blessing as we do.

Happy Father's Day to all those who are blessed to be one, especially our sons and son-in-lovcs and my cowboy preacher, Joel.  He does not think of himself as a "great" father or grandfather, which is quite unusual.  He feels pretty good about who he is, but in this area he feels he has fallen short. I don't think he is alone in those feelings.  As we age we look back and can see what we could have done better or differently.  What do I see in this man?

Love flows from his very pores, and his faith intrigues and empowers those who meet him.  He is a man of integrity, kindness, deep faith, compassion, forgiveness, selflessness, honor, and joy.  I am so blessed to have him in my life as my husband, friend, lover, father to our children, pastor, mentor, and so much more.  It is not too hard to tell....I don't only love the man, I am crazy about him.    Happy Father's Day Joel!!

Until next time.............


NanaNor's said...

Hi Renee, I am so impressed with your walking-seems like you've had a hard time with exercise in the past. Your book sounds good. Sending hugs and blessings your way!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Joel looks like such a great guy! Oh, I don't envy you purging and moving, I'm still worn out thinking of it and we moved in October. Have a blessed week,
Gayle from Behind the Garden Gate