Monday, October 5, 2015

The Sling, The Ram's Horn, And The Seventh Day

I have shared before that I often spend time going into the "garden of my heart" as part of my morning devotions.  I sit back, close my eyes, asking Holy Spirit to control my thoughts and also pray for a hedge of protection around this garden of my heart.  In the garden is where I meet with Jesus mostly and sometimes God and Holy.  It is a time that I hear God's voice speaking to me and see images and /or  "videos" of these moments with God.

On September 28th while going into the garden, I came marching into the gate blowing a horn.  I was not sure what kind of horn it was at that time, but I was blowing it and also singing, "Praise Him, praise Him, all ye little children...."

There is a "burden area" in my garden where I leave things that I need not carry that day when I asked Jesus if I needed to leave fear there.  I had been challenged by fear while waiting for the breast tissue pathology report.

When I asked Jesus that question, I saw myself holding what later Joel told me sounded like a sling.  It was carrying a very very heavy rough, but round metal ball.  I twirled it a few times and then tossed it over a cliff into the burden area, but when it hit the ground it split the earth and I heard a voice say, "It is shaking hell".  I then felt and saw it shake hell.

After absorbing this information, I asked Jesus another question and heard one word from Him......"Joshua".  Later I looked up the book of Joshua and in Joshua 6 is the story of the walls of Jericho coming down.  It is a great story of obedience to God.  For six days the Israelites marched around the walls of Jericho with the Ark in front of them blowing the ram's horns.   On the seventh day they were to blow the ram horns and march around the walls with the ark in front and then give a loud shout and the walls would come down and Jericho would be destroyed.  That is exactly what happened.
I related this story to my journey with breast cancer, and waiting for the results of this last pathology report.  I believed that on the seventh day the  walls of cancer would all come down, cancer (Jericho) would be destroyed and I would have another good report.

I thought that the seventh day was Tuesday the 29th so I was all excited and waited all day.  I waited and waited....and no phone call.  I was pretty disappointed and began to doubt.  And then on Wednesday morning, the 30th I talked to the breast center advocate, and afterwards I realized that the seventh day after my surgery  was actually Wednesday.  I felt a sense of peace come over me knowing the doctor would call that day.  And he did call around five that evening with all good news!

Getting back to the sling that shook hell?  I heard later that day a teaching about slaying giants.  I connected that to the sling I was twirling in the garden of my heart and the images and visions God was giving me.  That same Wednesday evening, after the doctor had called, I was asked to give my testimony of my healing journey from breast cancer.  The shared the way God showed up over and over.  I was also asked to come up and pray over a woman in deep need of healing.  I also shared briefly our healing stories from Lyme and other conditions.  How the healing power of Jesus came through prayer and healed us both.  Later that evening I realized that sharing about God's healing power was the sling I tossed over the cliff that actually shook hell.  Hell shakes when we give God glory and adoration!!!

I am humbled and amazed by how God has shown up in my story.  This is not my whole story.  It is only a paragraph.  But what is my whole story is how God shows up in His healing touch, the medical world, the love and prayers of others.  Over and over again He shows up in my life, in your lives.  That is how much He loves us.  And when we share what He has done for us, when we declare it and the promises in His Word, it shakes hell.  So let's keep using our "slings" to slay giants, lets keep blowing those ram horns and shouting praises to our God!


Sharon said...

Renee, the stories you share about your journey of faith and healing continue to inspire and encourage me. I'm so happy about the good results from the doctor. And I loved all the imagery you shared here, especially the idea of a place in your garden to lay down unwanted burdens. I've got some I'd like buried, too...


Breathing In Grace said...

This is awesome. I love how you've seen Him all through this journey. I also really enjoy reading how you meet Jesus in the "garden".

NanaNor's said...

Dear Renee, I am praising Jesus as Healer for healing you-recently from the breast cancer and in the past. I know I've said it before but your intimate relationship with Papa, Son and Holy Spirit makes me hunger for more. Your times of hearing from Him are astounding, but I know it is possible for all of us. He has touched you in a very special way and will continue to use you. So very thankful to know you, your testimony and how God has worked for you.

Mom Of Many said...

Oh Renee!! The Lord is so faithful! He shows up and ministers so uniquely to each person. I am so thankful that you are healing...and are standing on His ever-faithful promises! I continue to pray...I'm so proud of you!! xoxo