Bonnie over at Faith Barista asked her readers to write this week, answering the question, "As moms, what nourishes our souls?." As a gray haired mom....and grandma many times over, life is a bit different from in the past when our house was full and I spent my days as a domestic goddess for 10! Things have shifted quite a bit as we have lived as empty nesters now for over 10 years.
Of course the number one way I nourish my soul is through my relationship with God, but besides that most important connection, the number one thing on my list is my family. You see, none of our children live where we call home at this time in our lives, and distance, busyness, and life keep us apart. So when opportunities come for us to connect, I hold them close. My eyes drink in their presence, my ears listen to their voices, and my heart tucks away memories for the future. Phone calls and text messages keep us in each other's lives, but it is their presence that I(we) enjoy the most. Nourishment for the soul!
Besides my children, in-loves, and grandchildren, another way I nourish my soul is with praise music. I get up almost every morning and listen to praise songs from several artists, moving and grooving while I sing. I feed my soul on Biblical teachings from Joel and several online ministries, the Word of God, meditation and prayer, devotionals, inspirational books, Holy Spirit "hugs" and my prayer language given to me by God. We also nourish our souls by teaching God's promises to others.
At this time in our lives, when we have been set free from Lyme Disease by the Healer's touch, my soul is renewed by freedom. It is for freedom that Christ set us free! Freedom to walk, dance, travel, shop, visit, and much more. We take nothing for granted anymore but treasure it all. It is nourishment for the soul!
Laughter is the best medicine........Joel and I laugh...with each other, at each other (in kind ways), at life's circumstances. Just this past week we were, at their request, describing to someone the gift of speaking in tongues and what it means to us. They responded, "That is just to the right of crazy"!! We have giggled and laughed over that several times! Good medicine! We watch TV shows or movies with wholesome humor and we laugh. We laugh!
Jesus tells us to come to Him all who are weary and He will give us rest. This nourishes our soul.....the resting....trusting....listening.....the intimacy of knowing Someone so well that we can sit in silence and be comfortable together.
As I wrote this I realized that ALL nourishment comes from God! Whether it is through loved ones, books, scriptures, laughter, prayers, the internet or more. It is all from God, this nourishment for the soul!

Those snatches with our loved ones are so precious. I love how you called your in-laws "in-loves." Think I'll adopt that term. :) Thank you, Renee, for your reflections on nourishment for our souls as all coming from God.
I stopped by just to check in since it's been a while and I'm so glad I did! The Faith Barista is a big encouragement to me and as always, your writing touches my soul.
God Bless,
Yes, so many ways that our souls are nourished - you described them well. Of course, God's presence fills us up in the deepest kind of way, and family is high on the list, isn't it? Especially when our children are grown ... their presence just fills up our hearts, doesn't it? Thanks for sharing ...
You are very blessed Renee! What a fun, soul nourishing time with your family.
I can only hope to have an "in love" (I love that you call them that!) and grands to spoil and spend time with someday. :)
Thanks for coming by, Trudy...
Hi Pamela.....thank you for coming by again! Hope you r doing well.
Thank you for stopping by Cherry....
Hi is a great term isn't it...found that on a friends blog :)
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