Since Joel and I began this latest adventure in faithful living, God has turned our world upside down. As most of you know by now, Joel was physically healed overnight. A microwave healing...instant! Joining in with the middle-of-the-night healing wake-up call from God was another surprise. As a solid traditional Lutheran Joel had told me more than once that he would not know what to do with the gift of speaking in tongues and had no desire to have it. God had other plans ~~~~Joel was also given a prayer language along with his healing, which spun him around 360. In fact, that night changed both our lives forever. My healing has been mostly crockpot style, but I eagerly welcomed and received the gift of a prayer language shortly after Joel. We wonder now how we ever lived without having this amazing spiritual gift and we are so grateful for where God has led us on our healing journey. For the two of us there was no going back. Two years and four months later there is still no going back. We love our life.
We also love to tell our story. That was evident again today when we went stove shopping. We ended up at Menards and while Joel finished up our purchase I went out to the car to wait. And wait..... and wait some more. After a text from me asking where he was....I received a two word reply. "Healing story." Okay then. It seems the clerk was hearing Joel's story and had questions for him. Before he left they prayed together. Right there in Menards. That would be my cowboy preacher husband. Sharing his story with the world. I was very annoyed as I waited in car, until he shared with me what I am sharing with you. He was doing what God calls us all to do. Speak of Him in our storytelling.
"I love to tell the story
Of unseen things above
Of Jesus and His glory
Of Jesus and His love."
(old hymn)
(old hymn)
I heard a pastor preaching today and his words affirmed for me why God likes us to tell our stories. You see, God loves being known and recognized by others as your God. And when you tell your story of how God has moved in your life, He is glorified and your faith is strengthened. Besides giving God glory and building our faith, it draws others to Him.
Joel's microwave healing is only a part of his story....of HIS story. My crockpot healing is just a part.....the gifts of the Holy Spirit and Holy Spirit "hugs" He blesses me with are only a part of our story. We have a long HIStory with our God and many stories we share.
Not everyone wants to hear our story. Not everyone believes our story. But in obedience we keep speaking about a God who heals. A God who loves. A God who desires a close relationship with us. A God who saves. We all have a story to share, and I believe God smiles when we voice it. He smiled today when Joel shared his story and HIS story with the clerk in Menards. He delights in hearing us tell our story. His story.
I am counting it all joy as I link up with Ann Voskamp today at A Holy Experience.

I always say this - "My story, His glory." You're right, Renee, we all have a story. And I believe it's important to tell it, as God works so individually in each of our lives. May we be on the lookout for opportunities to witness, and obedient to speak when given the chance.
I like that, story, His glory.
I love this, Renee! Keep telling HIS story!
Thank you friend! Hope you are doing well, Anita.
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