Monday, May 26, 2014

You Do Us Proud!

Today I give honor to all who have served or are serving our country.  Joel and I lift them up in prayer.  We have much to be grateful for. 

Joel received his draft notice in the mail the summer of 1968, right before we were married.  He knew he could have deferred the draft with more education, but after two years of Jr. college and 2 years of Bible college, he decided it was his turn to go.  He was drafted into the army, but was able to enlist in the Air Force instead. He grew up carrying a gun and was an excellent marksman, but hunting for food did not cross over to killing the enemy....he did not want that job and thankfully was able to avoid it.  While in the Air Force as an airman, he applied and qualified for a special education program and was sent to the University of Utah where he received a degree in meteorology.  He was commissioned as an officer and served as a forecaster for 4 years.  He was stationed first in Duluth MN and then the Philippine Islands.  While in the P.I. he forecast weather for the pilots, many who were flying to Viet Nam.  That is as close to the war as he got and for that I am so grateful. After spending 8 years in the Air Force, he took an early out and we headed back to MN where he attended the seminary. 

Like most of you, Joel and I are patriotic.  We stand at attention when the National Anthem is sung, or the flag goes by in a parade.  We fly the flag.  I remember with fondness, everything stopping on the base when the flag was being taken down or put up.  Soldiers would get out of the cars wherever they were, and stand at attention, saluting as they heard the anthems that are so familiar. Even in the movie theater when the flag came on the screen the whole audience would come alive, stand at attention and salute the flag.  So impressive.  We were in the Philippines when Saigon fell and were a part of the Saigon Baby Lift and more.  We saw the war's destruction in the eyes of the children.  And  many of our men and women in uniform have experienced more than we can ever imagine.

Our country has been protected by those who serve in the military (and I will add our police officers too).  We live in freedom!  We have so much to be thankful for this Memorial Day.  We honor those who serve or have served and those who have died.  We also appreciate what sacrifices have been made and hopefully we do not take it all for granted. 

God bless all of you who have served or are serving our country.  You do us proud!

1 comment:

Jennie said...

Renee, Excellent summary of gratitude for our troops. I am very proud to be a US citizen and received the coveted citizenship papers in 1986. This beautiful country is exceptional and am very grateful for the varied opportunities afforded to me by dint of God's grace. To God Be The Glory!