Monday, June 30, 2014

Prayed, Stayed, and Celebrating!

Joel and Renee
June 30th 1968

I was standing on the second floor of my college commons building with my older sister Jo and her friend Marion.  They had just informed me that they found the guy I was "going to marry".  He wanted to be a missionary, too, and they could just see us in Africa together.  At that moment Joel walked in the door below and one of them pointed him out, saying "There he is!"  When I saw Joel I said, "You have got to be kidding!  He is loud, obnoxious, and he wears boots!"  They both replied with smiles, "We will pray about it."  Just 18 months later we were married!  We were prayed together, and today, on our anniversary 46 years later,  we continue to give thanks for those prayers.  Those who are prayed together stay together :). 

There is power in prayer.  I read these words written by our friend Linny's husband DW yesterday on Facebook ~ "Prayer works.  What I mean by that is when you pray, prayer goes to work."  Prayer went to work so many years ago and Joel and I were united in marriage as part of God's plan.  What an adventure it has been!

Looking back on our life we can see how God has continually walked with us through 26 moves in 6 states and The Philippine Islands.  We raised seven children and one foster daughter for four years.  Joel spent 8 years in the Air Force and we just celebrated his 34th ordination anniversary.  My cowboy preacher! We have welcomed in-loves and grandchildren, and grieved the death of one son and the self-destruction and alienation of another.   We battled sickness for over half our married lives until healed two and a half years ago from Lyme Disease.  We have experienced many exciting adventures and a few we would rather forget about.  We have lived ~~ In faith.  In joy.  In hope.  In love.  We are so blessed.  Happy Anniversary Joel!


Lisa notes... said...

Happy Anniversary! 46 years is awesome and worth celebrating year round! Yes, you are blessed. Thanks for sharing this blessing with us. I love the pictures. :)

Sharon said...

(Renee, I hope this gets through. Comments are acting weird tonight on my computer!!)

Anyway, you two are so cute. Both then and now! Congratulations on your anniversary. May you both have many more happy years together, as you love and serve each other and the Lord!