to unearth: to find something that has been lost or hidden
to discover or disclose
to uncover
I have been reading Bonnie Gray's book, "Finding Spiritual Whitespace", taking my time so as to reflect and journal some of the questions and ideas she shares at the end of each chapter. She has opened her heart, sharing not only her story of childhood repressed memories that have surfaced with PTSD, but of how Jesus is walking her through to a place of healing. Her courage and insights have been life changing.
Bonnie's book is a very powerful read and for me it has unearthed some old childhood memories. That which has been hidden for 60 years has been disclosed, uncovered. In some ways it has been tough to re-experience these memories long buried, but I know God sent this book into my life as another step in my own healing journey. The unearthing has made me sad, and it has taken my cowboy preacher to a rare place of anger, but it has also been cathartic. I know Jesus is wanting me to be set free from the past and I take comfort in knowing that He was with me so long ago, just as he is today.
I have found it difficult to write about.....too raw yet to put into words. But I believe that everyone who opens the pages of Bonnie's book will be changed for the better, and from the posts I have read that were written by others on the launch team, it appears so. This book has been anointed by God and Bonnie's courage to write with such openness and honesty from beginning to end will touch you with the Father's love that comes through each chapter.
I am linking up today with Bonnie for Whitespace Thursday.

I think we are all coming apart at the seams right now! :)
I really enjoy the exercises at the end of each chapter even though I've caught myself not wanting to unearth those things I've stuffed down deep.
Walking through this with you my friend!
Hi Krista
Yes, the exercises at the end of the chapters are very helpful, even though I too want to pass them by. Bonnie's story runs a bit parallel to my own and just reading hers has triggered memories and PTS reactions in me...but it is healing and freeing and so with determination I move forward. Courage, friend...courage!
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