Good Sunday afternoon! We had a good old fashioned thunderstorm yesterday, and more is forecast for today, but after a week of sunshine and warmth, the rain will bring needed nourishment to all that is growing. It is nice to walk outside with all the green. We have managed walking 1.5 miles daily and one day 2 mile jaunt again. Yippee!
Speaking of nature, I spent a half hour Friday afternoon trying to get a deer out of our yard and the neighbors. She had no fear! I waved my arms, yelled, and even banged on something while walking towards her. She would just saunter away and then come back when I went up n the deck. Ugh. They are out of control here. The other day a friend saw one downtown crossing the street. The city we live has a population of around 30,000....certainly enough people to keep the deer away? We did find out that just a half block from us a woman feeds the deer and raccoons. Seriously. Not good.
We have a wren nesting in the birdhouse Joel put up in the lilac bush out back. They have a pretty song they sing! I have not seen much of our resident cardinals this summer, but a few Baltimore Orioles have been around.
Last Sunday was Joel's last at St. James. The temperature was only 50 degrees with winds at 15mph and we sat outside for worship. Cold! Second service was not any better but the third was inside so I did not need my coat or quilt! They had a nice cake for the farewell. Later in the afternoon we went over to friends for a visit. Tuesday we went to the last quilters coffee at the church. Tuesday evening we went over to a lake around 8 miles from here and watched the boats, jet ski's, and people. We walked along the boardwalk and sat on benches taking in the sunshine and serenity that a body of water seems to bring. Wednesday morning Joel taught at his last Mens church breakfast Bible study, and Wednesday noon we went to Ruby Tuesday's with the staff. Joel will take a month off before starting the Interim at Faith in a small town 35 minutes from home.
This weekend Joel has been at our synod's assembly as a representative for retired clergy. Ummmm, yes he is officially retired, but also yes...he is still working! He came home every night since it was being held only an hour from home, and he likes sleeping in his own bed. Today I went down with him for morning worship and lunch. There is nothing like hearing a chapel full of pastors sing. Fantastic! I spent Friday and Saturday reading, watching online teachings or worship, plus DVD teachings, ironing, baking, TV, etc. Sure is quiet around here when my cowboy preacher is gone!
Today is Father's Day. Both Joel's and my fathers died while we were still kids, but Joel was blessed with a step-father and I with a brother-in-law that helped raise me. They are gone, too, but we give thanks for them all. Joel is a great father. He was gone too much in ministry, missing too many games and events, and fun times with our children (his words) , but he is a man of integrity and faith, with a deep love for his family. Our kids are blessed to call this cowboy preacher dad. Happy Father's Day!
I finished Bonnie Gray's book, "Finding Spiritual Whitespace:Awakening Your Soul to Rest" and wrote a review about it here. It is a very good book! I am now reading Liz Curtis Higgs book, "The Girl's Still Got It", about Ruth (in Bible). Higgs writes wonderful books that grab your attention. Joel and I are reading his cousin, David Simonson's book aloud to each other...."The Cross Under The Acacia Tree". David was a lifelong missionary in Tanzania and is buried near his home on the land given to him by the Masai tribe. His wife and several children and grandchildren all live there. What have you been reading?
Short chat this week....
Until next time......
1 comment:
This Father's Day was my first without my dad, and it was hard. But what a privilege to have had him until he was almost 84. Hope Joel received all the honor that is due him. He's a great dad.
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