Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Another Masterpiece

We went for a walk last night, trekking nearly two miles along sidewalks within view of a lake whose name I cannot recall.  After walking our quiet river road for so many months, it was fun to shake things up a bit.   We were meeting and greeting people continually, stepping to the right so dogs and their peeps could pass by, sharing hellos and smiles as protocol or foot traffic would allow.  It was delightful!

Around halfway we stopped on a bridge to view a waterfall and beautiful sunset, where I quietly gave thanks for such a time as this.  Standing on either side of me was our oldest daughter and our granddaughter.  Two years ago this was unimaginable.  Only God.

We are once again on the road, this time waking up in Wisconsin where we are visiting our daughter Bethany, SIL Kevin, two grands, Evan and Abbi, and our grand dog Tucker.  We are nestled in their warm and inviting home that vibrates with love.  On their dining room wall mirror is written,  "Make every day your masterpiece".   It is a great reminder on how to do life.  

 We cannot make up for the years lost.  We cannot erase the countless times we were not there for our family.  The special moments, events, or "firsts" in all our grands lives that passed by while disease held us captive.  There are not enough "I'm sorry's " to cover the loss.  The whys will never be answered.  I expect we all have whys that go unanswered.  We cannot change what was.

What we can do is embrace and treasure the moments we do have.  What we can do is take every moment anointed by God and soak in it, grateful and never taken for granted.    Whether it is three generations of women enjoying a sunset,  or the everyday mundane that makes up part of living.  

This morning as I wait for others to greet the day, I am reflecting and giving thanks for yet another masterpiece.  Only God.


NanaNor's said...

Amen!!!! I'm asking the Lord to restore to you that which the locust has eaten. I was blessed by your post and reading your testimony. I went to the prayer/worship time yesterday-it was so rich. Hope to go back again soon. Was anointed with oil and a pastor's wife laid hands on me.
Sending blessings and prayers to you.

Anita Johnson said...

These posts make me so very happy! (o:

Renee said...

Thank you Noreen. So glad your visit to the healing/ prophecy center went so well! Thank you for your prayers...

Renee said...

Thank you Anita!