Sunday, January 24, 2016

Four Years of Amazing Adventures With God!

Today, January 24th 2014 we are celebrating the 4th anniversary of Joel's healing from Lyme Disease and 2 co-infections, thyroid disease, recurring corneal erosion of the eye, gluten intolerance, pre-Parkinson's, sleep apnea, and arthritis.  Many of these conditions and diseases vanished with a "microwave" healing (instantly) as our friend Linny calls them, and the rest came "crockpot" a process taking just a few months.  Anyway you look at it, he experienced a miraculous healing.  

To God be the glory!

On the night of January 23rd 2012 Joel and I watched a teaching titled "God Wants You Well" by Andrew Wommack that had been recommended by our friend Katherine.  After the teaching, we discussed what we had heard.  I remember asking Joel what he thought about Andrew's beliefs on healing and if he thought we would be healed here on earth.  We were both very sick at the time with Lyme Disease plus more.   Joel replied, "The teaching on healing is theologically sound and makes sense."  I then asked him about speaking in tongues, which was also addressed in the teaching, and a gift of the Spirit I had desired for years....His reply, "I am going to have to think about that one.  I'm Lutheran you know.  What would I do with it?"

We went to bed pondering what we had heard, but Joel prayed quietly the way Andrew Wommack had~ not asking, but commanding sickness to die in the name of Jesus.  He woke at 4am and the first words out of his mouth were, "I am healed!"  He just knew in every fiber of his being that he. was. healed.  He then said, "And I can speak in tongues too, and he did!

To God be the glory!

He did not share this with me right away, as he tried to absorb all that had happened, but later in the evening as we were going to bed  I said to him, "Something is different about you, Joel.  What has happened?"  It was visible on his face, and his whole demeanor had changed.  He then told me about his middle of the  night healing and gift of tongues as confirmation, and we rejoiced together laughing and crying with amazement.

On that day our lives changed forever.  Since that early morning wake-up call from God, I have been on my own healing journey.  Mine has been mostly a "crockpot" healing both physically and emotionally with a few microwave healings thrown in. Many sicknesses are gone through prayer alone ~ Lyme, co-infections, MCS, CFS, thyroid disease, etc.  Others like breast cancer are gone through surgery and radiation.  We are so thankful for them all. We have been and continue on an amazing journey.

To God be the glory!
 To God be the glory! 

So, today we celebrate Joel's healing and give thanks to God for this amazing adventure He has placed us on.  We are so very blessed and feel strongly that we need to share Joel's testimony with the world. As I meditated on Joel this morning, God gave me a vision of him kneeling on the ground with his hands raised in the air praising God.  Around him were many people.  I thought they were people who had influenced Joel's life, but when I saw a clerk from Menard's in the group I realized they were people who were influenced by Joel's healing story.  Thank you God!  I then heard God say, "Joel has been anointed to preach the gospel, heal the sick.  "The joy of the Lord is his strength". (Nehemiah 8:10) 

"The Spirit of the Lord is on me, 
because he has anointed me to proclaim good news 
to the poor. 
He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners 
and recovery of sight for the blind, 
to set the oppressed free.  
Luke 4:18

 We tell the story because God tells us in His Word to do so, but we also tell the story because we believe healing is for everyone.  Isaiah 53:4,5 makes that clear. We tell the story out of obedience and joy!  

Today I made Joel's favorite southwestern salad and another favorite of his ~ pumpkin pie.  We are celebrating what God has done in his body, soul and spirit. Will you join us in giving thanks for the miracle that came into Joel's life?  The miracles God has for all of us?

To God be the glory!

1 comment:

Sharon said...

I will join you in giving thanks to our most wonder-full God, the One who makes impossible things "HIM-possible!" I celebrate with you and Joel for the many answered prayers, and for the fullness of the ministry that He has brought into your lives. You guys inspire me to believe bigger!