Monday, December 23, 2013

Advent Week 4: Love Came Down

Going along with Ann Voskamp's beautiful videos for Advent over at A Holy Experience, I am focusing on the fourth week of Advent and LOVE.   Hope, Peace, Joy, and now Love.  As Ann says, "love came down here".  Love in the form of a baby boy who was created to save the world.  Created by God who loves us so much He sent His only son to die on a cross.  Jesus carried and suffered for our sins, diseases, brokenness.  Love came down.

Can we comprehend this gift from our Creator?  Can we absorb how deep, how wide, how long and how high this LOVE  of Christ?

And what does God ask of us concerning this love He speaks of?

This is my commandment, to LOVE one another as I have loved you...............LOVE your neighbors as yourselves...........the greatest of these is LOVE..............LOVE your enemies.........LOVE is patient and kind.....Love is I Corinthians 13.......

Christmas is here.  Families and friends brought together by a time of celebrating baby Jesus birth.   Most will share their festive gatherings and times of worship with others.  Some will go it alone out of necessity, maybe a few out of choice.  It is easy to get focused on the presents, food, football, and electronics.  It is easy to focus on the differences we bring into a gathering.  It is easy to focus on loneliness.   Yet, for all of us LOVE came down.  This is our focus.  The baby.  The babe in the manger.

Jesus came to bring the love of His Heavenly Father to a hurting world.  We, too, are to bring love to a hurting world.  Those close to us, those who live in our community and across the ocean. 

Love came down in the form of a baby and the Bible tells us that same love now lives in us.  And that same love is to come through us in all we say and do.  LOVE came down to change the world, to change you, to change me.

Christmas is here and we worship a precious baby born in a lowly manger. 

LOVE came down.

1 comment:

Michelle Holderman said...

So beautiful, Renee. And what a glorious love Jesus is!! Christmas blessings, my friend.