Thursday, December 19, 2013

Advent Week Three: Joy!

It was time for the grandkids to go to bed and Papa and Grandma Na were blessed to be the official bed-tuckers while mom and dad were gone.  Treasure #3 mentioned that mommy always read him stories at night, so I asked him if he wanted me or Papa to read to him.  He thought about it awhile and said..."You". 

My heart leaped with joy. 

At his request I climbed up and lay on the bed next to him and read stories about Bolt and the rain that never ended.  I felt like I had died and gone to heaven~ 

In another room two more treasures peppered their Papa with questions not unlike their mom so many years ago.  I could hear his response, his stories ~history coming alive once again~ and I smiled knowing he had their rapt attention.

Hugs, giggles, questions, baking, dancing, reading, talking, card playing and more.   Never taken for granted.  Always a gift, this time with treasures who's hearts beat along side ours.

During this third week of Advent, along with Ann Voskamp over at A Holy Experience, we focus on joy.  The angels rejoiced.  Mary rejoiced.  Joseph was in awe of the babe in the manger, the Babe that came to give us life eternal.  And the joy of the Lord was their strength.  Is our strength.

We find joy in the moments with loved ones.  The treasures that bless our lives.  We find great joy in the Savior who came to us in a manger and provided life, healing, redemption, forgiveness.  Powerful gifts.


Gayle said...

Joy, such a beautiful word.

Kim said...

Love this, Renee. Yes, Advent is so joyful and it's always an incredible feeling to be with family. If only we could always be with the ones we love most! Love this focus on joy.